

Gonna be avoiding the comp for a few days.

I can learn stuff when I'm not on the computer!


Summer, Public Service Announcement(s)

-Don't stay up too late.
-Go to sleep at a set time; consistency is the key to healthiness.
-If you do stay up, take 15 minute breaks from the computer in 1 hour intervals.
-Keep yourself well hydrated.
-Keep up your personal hygiene.

Grass stains, yes. Grass cuts, hell no!

Since when did grass blades cut and leave burning, itching sensations?!

My camera FRIKKIN breaks!

Some people arrive.

Zach da man o' de camp

This ground be ours 'n shizzle.

Set me up the camp!


yep, later...

desktopgeo: adios
desktopgeo: talk tomorrow
Draklyne: yup
Draklyne: I'll be up early, so if you're online or wanna call, go ahead
desktopgeo: yeah i'll be up relatively early
desktopgeo: how early is early for you?
Draklyne: uhh
Draklyne: 8?
desktopgeo: ah
desktopgeo: about the same
Draklyne: well, considering I'm going to sleep around now
Draklyne: I'll probably be awake in bed at 6
desktopgeo: "sleep around"?
Draklyne: er
Draklyne: damn, that "sounded" bad
Draklyne: but don't worry
Draklyne: I use protection
desktopgeo: ... hey, I didn't need you, I needed financial support
desktopgeo: don't worry man, I'll cover for you
Draklyne: no you won't, Trojan will
desktopgeo: ok fine.. but you better make lots of money..
desktopgeo: alright, I'm definately gonna have strange dreams now
desktopgeo: adios
Draklyne: haha
Draklyne: later


Too lazy to edit this...

jk2788: it's ok
jk2788: fill and weijia both confessed
jk2788: you are the best liar tho
jk2788: congrats =)
Draklyne: hah
Draklyne: er
Draklyne: ...ok
jk2788: but why?
jk2788: oh, why?
jk2788: *dramatic*
Draklyne: It's because I love life too much!
jk2788: O.o
jk2788: umm
jk2788: ok!
Draklyne: Forsooth, twas entirely my fault!
Draklyne: well, not really
Draklyne: does your car still smell?
jk2788: i don't think so
Draklyne: okay, good
jk2788: maybe just of the avocado salad yao spilled
jk2788: ><
jk2788: eww
Draklyne: heh
jk2788: but it did smell strongly
Draklyne: eww indeed
Draklyne: the funny thing is, Sir didn't seem to notice
jk2788: haha
jk2788: she was like...is that who you were waving at?
Draklyne: and we blew most of the can on her car
jk2788: wow
jk2788: she really didn't notice?
jk2788: weird
Draklyne: yeah
Draklyne: at least
Draklyne: well
Draklyne: hmm
jk2788: she definitely only saw us...i think...
Draklyne: yeah
Draklyne: we did a bunch of crap today
Draklyne: I've gotta write it all down before I forget
Draklyne: ><
jk2788: haha
jk2788: wait
jk2788: so did you actually go to the airport?
Draklyne: no
jk2788: ok
jk2788: hey!
Draklyne: we did see her off though
Draklyne: we were at preeti's house
Draklyne: talking about AXE-ing sir's car
jk2788: then why the hell was fill criticizing me for not!!
jk2788: haha
Draklyne: I mentioned that I was supposed to go see Mr. and Mrs. Smith with Daria and Xia at 3:45
Draklyne: and Preeti was like
Draklyne: "Sir's there
Draklyne: watching it
Draklyne: with jenna, yao, and yaz (I think that was all...)"
jk2788: ha
jk2788: and neal
Draklyne: and then Weij was like, "Hey, I'm Ser, let's go out with some friends and make some other friends feel left out"
Draklyne: then we were like
Draklyne: wait...how did we start talking about Axe?
jk2788: haha
Draklyne: anyway, then we left
Draklyne: and did crazy stuff
jk2788: nice
jk2788: by the way
jk2788: you were the best liar
jk2788: of the three of you
jk2788: but i am indeed better
Draklyne: psh
jk2788: for they did not, in fact, confess
Draklyne: that's a lie
jk2788: =P
jk2788: but you did!
jk2788: hahaha
Draklyne: eh, I figured that was one option
Draklyne: I decided it was worth it since I was gonna try to remember what happened anyway
Draklyne: so help me out here
jk2788: ok?
Draklyne: I'll just IM what I remember...
Draklyne: okay, it started out in the morning...like lots of days normally do...
Draklyne: I had stayed up til 3AM the previous night
Draklyne: scripting
Draklyne: so I woke up at 9:30, which is two and a half hours late
Draklyne: I get online, stuff happens, stuff happens, my mom bothers me, stuff happens
Draklyne: suddenly, Weijia IMs me
Draklyne: "are you going to the airport?"
Draklyne: I'm like, "Wtf? Why would I be going to the airport?"
Draklyne: and then he's like, "Preeti's going to India." and tells me to be there by two
Draklyne: now, I've already scheduled a movie at 3:45PM with Daria and Xia to see Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Draklyne: so I figure instead of going all the way to the airport
Draklyne: and hanging with Preeti until 7PM at O'Hare, I can just get to her house early and hang out for a while to say goodbye
Draklyne: picking up fill on the way is a plus
Draklyne: er, at that point I had an emergency
jk2788: ?
jk2788: oh no!
Draklyne: the pot of boiling water I had started for lunch (instant noodles) had been boiling for...an hour?
jk2788: haha
jk2788: hahahahha
jk2788: wow
jk2788: good job
Draklyne: osh htist
Draklyne: st
Draklyne: HSIT
Draklyne: FUCK
Draklyne: I was trying to type "oh shit" really fast
jk2788: hah
jk2788: good job
jk2788: it sorta worked
Draklyne: Anyway, once I'd dunked the pot in cold water, I tried again, and this time I managed to make noodles
Draklyne: so I left at 1:15-ish to get fill and head off to preeti's house
Draklyne: we joked around like we normally do, mostly about the pick we bought at a garage sale for three dollars
Draklyne: that I'd had in my car for months
jk2788: guitar pick?
Draklyne: so we were pointing at things and saying, "yeah, I'd pick that!"
jk2788: or hair?
Draklyne: no, it's like
Draklyne: what is a hair pick?
Draklyne: http://www.texasarrowheads.com/pick-mattocks/roy-mills-pick.jpg
Draklyne: that kind of pick
Draklyne: it's huge
jk2788: ooohhh
jk2788: hair pick is like what people wear in their fros
Draklyne: ah
Draklyne: I'll take your word for it
jk2788: so a pickaxe?
Draklyne: yeah, that's the one
jk2788: haha...axe...irony...anyway...
Draklyne: anyway, we ended up at Preeti's house at 1:44
Draklyne: and weijia wasn't there, which was funny because he said he'd meet us there at 1:30
Draklyne: *shrug*
Draklyne: anyway, we got to talking about some stuff that we should put in our movie (for next year's film fest)
Draklyne: and pure insanity poured out
Draklyne: like a Godzilla scene that introduces Thompson as he crushes out the lives of innocent asians
Draklyne: and another one where somebody buys a Creative Zen Touch MP3 player
jk2788: teehee
Draklyne: and it kicks him in the nuts
jk2788: haha
Draklyne: and somehow
Draklyne: we got to talking about axe
Draklyne: like
Draklyne: where the fuck did that come from?
Draklyne: we were like, "Ashwin's the axe pusher"
Draklyne: and "Axe would make any woman horny - if we Axed someone's car, they (the women) would be all over it"
jk2788: haha
Draklyne: and then Preeti told us about you guys going to the movies
Draklyne: and fill was like
jk2788: except you Axed women's cars?
Draklyne: "Let's axe her car."
Draklyne: 'cept we didn't have axe
jk2788: haha
Draklyne: so it was around 3:00 when Preeti was supposed to leave for the airport
Draklyne: but she was still there
Draklyne: and Zach was trying to figure out how to get his MP3's onto her ipod
Draklyne: which, by the way, displays photos and has a color screen
jk2788: i know
Draklyne: well, he failed at putting the mp3's on her iPod
jk2788: her's is a million times greater than mine
Draklyne: because...well, he's zach
jk2788: *hers
jk2788: haha
jk2788: nice
jk2788: i'll tell him you said that
Draklyne: heh
Draklyne: *shrug*
jk2788: the axe makes monica want to have sex with me on my car
Draklyne: haha
jk2788: just so you know
Draklyne: knew it worked...
jk2788: buketDtrandafiri (9:40:53 PM): mmm jenna +axe
buketDtrandafiri (9:40:56 PM): absolutley ideal
Draklyne: haha
jk2788: now you just have to put it on a guy's car
jk2788: like yours
Draklyne: hmmm...
Draklyne: I actually damaged my car, I think
Draklyne: today
Draklyne: but we'll get to that
Draklyne: it was 3PM when we left, figuring you guys would be out of the theater at 3:30
Draklyne: and we needed some axe
Draklyne: so we sped off towards Showplace
Draklyne: we weren't really sure you guys were at showplace
jk2788: we were
Draklyne: but I remembered from last night that it wasn't playing at Rivertree
Draklyne: yeah...I know...
Draklyne: I had been checking the showtimes
jk2788: mm
Draklyne: so if it wasn't at rivertree, showplace was the most likely
jk2788: haha
jk2788: cuz we're cheap
jk2788: yeah
Draklyne: heh, same motivation
Draklyne: anyway, we sped off to Target, which, by the way, has the most confusing maze-like parking lot with the construction
Draklyne: and I dropped off fill and weij to look for some axe
Draklyne: we were kinda cutting it close...
Draklyne: I made an illegal U turn after Target, which actually slowed us down instead of helping us
jk2788: haha
Draklyne: and then we were off to showplace
jk2788: oops
Draklyne: luckily, we saw Sir's car at the very entrance to the lot
jk2788: yep
Draklyne: fill knew what your car looked like, but he wasn't paying any attention
jk2788: mine was next to it
jk2788: wait...umm
Draklyne: so we didn't get to your car
jk2788: were there still 3 silver corollas when you were there?
jk2788: cuz
jk2788: there were when i parked
Draklyne: I don't think...so...
jk2788: like
jk2788: next to each other....
Draklyne: oh, not 3
Draklyne: but anyway,
Draklyne: we got out
Draklyne: Axe in hand
Draklyne: the little free sample back in the car
Draklyne: (that tiny axe bottle cost $4!)
jk2788: yup
jk2788: it's strong
Draklyne: and we Axe'd Sir's car
jk2788: you shouldn't need to use much
Draklyne: oh yeah, we used a lot
Draklyne: it really killed my nose
Draklyne: gave me a headache and made me dizzy
Draklyne: thank god we were outside
Draklyne: otherwise I'd have fainted
jk2788: yeah
jk2788: it's an inhalant
jk2788: if you inhale it like that
Draklyne: yeah....there was a warning against using it in "dangerously high concentrations in order to achieve a mentally stimulating effect" or something like that
jk2788: yeah
Draklyne: anyway, we started to axe her car
Draklyne: and like
jk2788: weijia's away message
Draklyne: it looks like a spray can
Draklyne: so like
Draklyne: people were looking at us
Draklyne: this one guy was watching us as he parked
Draklyne: and we were afraid he was gonna call the cops
Draklyne: it looks so bad when you're axing someone's car
jk2788: haha
jk2788: i bet
Draklyne: but we hit her tires, her license plate, and the handles on the doors
Draklyne: *evil grin*
Draklyne: >:)
jk2788: haha
jk2788: just go for the window
Draklyne: probably used half the bottle
jk2788: that's what you got on mine
jk2788: and it was effective
Draklyne: yeah, I told them to avoid the windows
Draklyne: because cars have coatings on the windows that the chemicals might interfere with
Draklyne: wouldn't want melted windows...
jk2788: hmm
jk2788: awesome
Draklyne: ...
jk2788: cuz my car's windows got sprayed
Draklyne: ...oops
Draklyne: well
Draklyne: it's still good, right?
Draklyne: I'm sure it won't do anything
jk2788: haha
jk2788: sure
Draklyne: it was just idle speculation anyway
Draklyne: but fill sighted you guys with his eagle eyes and we ran for it
Draklyne: we were parked not so far away
jk2788: ran/drove...
Draklyne: and then we followed you, but I was too pumped up to do it intelligently
Draklyne: i.e. wait and then watch where you were going, follow at a distance
Draklyne: so we were right behind you
jk2788: haha
Draklyne: and to combat your seeing us, we flipped the sun shield thingies down
jk2788: ><
Draklyne: so I could barely see anything except the back of your car
jk2788: you drove up next to my car....
Draklyne: I'm surprised we made it out alive
Draklyne: I was high on the fumes and blinded
jk2788: and you drove close to my car?!
Draklyne: not so much...well
jk2788: if you had dented it, i would have dented you
Draklyne: we flipped the things back up
Draklyne: but I guess I was still dizzy...
Draklyne: and to be fair, I didn't notice I was drifting onto the other lane
Draklyne: but anyway, weij tried to use the rest of the can on your car
jk2788: ><
jk2788: you totally changed into the other lane
Draklyne: and we sped away
jk2788: that's not drifting!
jk2788: you turned left
jk2788: i turned right
Draklyne: yeah
jk2788: whee
Draklyne: but we didn't succeed in using the entire can
Draklyne: and we noticed earlier that Sir had gone the other way
Draklyne: we assumed they were going to someone's house to hang out in Grosse Point
Draklyne: so we went back to GP
Draklyne: and after driving around
Draklyne: didn't see Sir's car at anyone's houses
Draklyne: so we were like
jk2788: haha
Draklyne: wtf
jk2788: she went to the mall or walmart
jk2788: i forget
jk2788: with neal
jk2788: i went to gp
Draklyne: yeah, walmart
Draklyne: and books a million at one point
jk2788: to drop off yaz
jk2788: i went to books a million
jk2788: that's what the right turn was for
Draklyne: anyway, we were running around GP looking for them
Draklyne: hm
jk2788: after that we went our separate ways
Draklyne: well
Draklyne: I guess I'll tell you the full story
jk2788: haha
jk2788: ok
Draklyne: we drove around and saw Zen's house
Draklyne: we were like
jk2788: uh oh
Draklyne: "Shit! IT'S ZEN'S CAR!"
jk2788: she's in spain?
Draklyne: ah
Draklyne: good thing we didn't axe her car
jk2788: haha
jk2788: ok
Draklyne: but we did
Draklyne: shit
Draklyne: she's not there?
Draklyne: oooh...
jk2788: haha
Draklyne: well
Draklyne: whoever's there
jk2788: the axe will have dissipated by the time she gets back
jk2788: nobody
jk2788: they're all in europe
Draklyne: the mail box will be very interesting for a while
jk2788: hahaha
jk2788: mmm
jk2788: oops
Draklyne: mailman at least?
Draklyne: weij shot it on the inside lid
jk2788: ha
jk2788: they probably canceled their mail service while theyre gone
Draklyne: damn
jk2788: or have a neighbor picking it up
Draklyne: that's boring
jk2788: either way
Draklyne: at least the folks won't be knocked out by the stench
jk2788: haha
Draklyne: we kept on going a little past Zen's house
Draklyne: and then we saw a mattress that someone was throwing out
Draklyne: we were like
Draklyne: and then we stole it
jk2788: haha
jk2788: well
jk2788: craig's mom stole a window
Draklyne: wha...?
jk2788: so a mattress is fine i guess =)
Draklyne: how....
jk2788: someone threw it out?
Draklyne: oic
Draklyne: after we got it in the car we were like
Draklyne: ew
Draklyne: I hope it doesn't have manjuices on it
Draklyne: STIs!
Draklyne: EWW
Draklyne: and then we didn't want to touch it
Draklyne: and weijia was afraid it was gonna eat him
jk2788: haha
jk2788: eat him?
Draklyne: yeah
Draklyne: it was in the back seat
Draklyne: he was in the middle row
Draklyne: and it was leaning towards him
Draklyne: so we were like
Draklyne: what the fuck are we going to do...
Draklyne: we have a can of axe, a mattress, and three asian guys
Draklyne: ...that sounds really homosexual
jk2788: haha
jk2788: a bit
Draklyne: so we drove around and decided to call Sir to find out where everybody was
Draklyne: she filled us in
Draklyne: well
Draklyne: I asked if they'd seen the Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Draklyne: because "I was planning to see it with my family"
jk2788: they/we
Draklyne: yeah, you guys and sir
jk2788: haha
jk2788: no you weren't
Draklyne: and it did seem like a good idea at the time, so I started planning for it
Draklyne: so it wasn't exactly a lie
jk2788: hmm
jk2788: ok
Draklyne: but Weij was giving me the "end the call!" cue
Draklyne: so I said my family was going and I had to hand up
Draklyne: *hang
Draklyne: and then we saw her driving towards us
Draklyne: "FUCK!"
Draklyne: we all ducked
jk2788: um
Draklyne: she drove past...I keyed the ignition and we floored it
jk2788: minivan?
jk2788: haha
jk2788: ok
Draklyne: in the rear view, meanwhile, we saw her brake, start to reverse, and turn
Draklyne: yeah, I definitely pushed that minivan
Draklyne: somehow we ended up at Weijia's house
jk2788: ok...
Draklyne: grabbed a few water bottles, and decided to cool off the day with some Lollicup
jk2788: wow
jk2788: you really like that lollicup
Draklyne: but first, we'd need some pictures of us for the Awesome People Wall
Draklyne: and decided that it would be best if we printed them at SHS
Draklyne: because ink costs a lot
Draklyne: we went into the labs...someone set us up a computer...which then proceeded to fuck up
Draklyne: and printed like 50 pages of nonsense
Draklyne: we left
jk2788: oops
Draklyne: yeah
Draklyne: whoopsie daisy
Draklyne: then we went to fill's house
Draklyne: at which point I remembered the movie
Draklyne: that I was supposed to have gone to watch
Draklyne: with Daria and Xia
jk2788: ha
jk2788: umm
jk2788: oops
Draklyne: yeah...gar....
Draklyne: I dropped everyone off, went home
Draklyne: and called Xia
Draklyne: at which point he was pissed at me
Draklyne: because I called him during the movie
jk2788: haha
jk2788: hahahah
jk2788: someone didn't heed the warnings
Draklyne: oh, and there was the small detail that I essentially ditched them
jk2788: right
jk2788: that
jk2788: not so good
Draklyne: but we decided to meet up and do our dinner plans anyway
Draklyne: and I was almost there when...I got lost
jk2788: *sigh*
jk2788: lost where?
Draklyne: I was just following wherever my car took me
jk2788: haha
Draklyne: I came to an old restaurant I used to go to
jk2788: where were you trying to go?
Draklyne: except that it was closed down
Draklyne: and not a restaurant anymore
jk2788: hmm
Draklyne: we were gonna meet up at Best Hunan
Draklyne: I went to some place off of Rt. 60 that used to be called like "Golden Palace" or something
Draklyne: but when I got the bright idea to call Xia
jk2788: hmm
Draklyne: he said the dinner plans were off
jk2788: haha
jk2788: oh
jk2788: hmm
jk2788: ><
Draklyne: Daria was taken away by her mom
Draklyne: ooh
Draklyne: Daria's online
Draklyne: she's gonna be pissed at me
jk2788: haha
Draklyne: it's going well
the pilot daemon: so
Draklyne: err.
Draklyne: yes.
jk2788: haha
jk2788: awkward?
Draklyne: a bit
Draklyne: but anyway, since xia didn't know about Lollicup, I took him there to discuss our movie (our movie being different from the other one I mentioned)
Draklyne: and I actually finished the script for a completely different one last night too...
Draklyne: roight
Draklyne: anyway
jk2788: ok
Draklyne: we "shot the shit" so to speak
Draklyne: until my sister called
jk2788: aww
jk2788: i love your sister!!
Draklyne: at which point I remembered that I left her at her friend's house
jk2788: she's cute...
Draklyne: me too
jk2788: awww
Draklyne: but don't tell her I said that!
jk2788: what a terrible brother!
jk2788: haha
jk2788: ok
jk2788: i won't
Draklyne: and then I got her a slush and headed over
Draklyne: and then I got home
jk2788: haha
jk2788: ok
jk2788: and now you're home?
Draklyne: yup
Draklyne: and then you tricked me
jk2788: hehe
jk2788: yep
jk2788: yay for me
Draklyne: yay!


Philip Rushton

Wherever you are...
I'm going to find you.
And then we'll see how aggressive Orientals are.

wjtong11: HOLY SHIT
wjtong11: GO HERE
wjtong11: http://www.harbornet.com/folks/theedrich/JP_Rushton/Race.htm
wjtong11: scroll down
wjtong11: it's like, a scientific analysis to race
Draklyne: whoa
wjtong11: look for the chart
Draklyne: wtf do they mean by "orientals"
Draklyne: Chinese? japanese? Korean?
wjtong11: yeah
Draklyne: they have purebreds
in Africa and Ashkenazi Jews
wjtong11: my question is if it incorporates Indians
Draklyne: wtf
wjtong11: yeha
wjtong11: *yeah
wjtong11: it re-emphasizes all the contemporary racial stereotypes
Draklyne: where's the fucking data
Draklyne: this pisses me off
Draklyne: I want the data and then the averages
Draklyne: and the process
Draklyne: how the fuck do you count cortical neurons
Draklyne: even in the millions, those numbers are probably within margin of error
Draklyne: they could be practically the same
Draklyne: what the fuck?
Draklyne: "Cultural Achievements"?
Draklyne: how the fuck do you measure that
wjtong11: calm down... it's probably just some ignorant redneck's theory
Draklyne: Intercourse frequencies...how can you tell how many people are fucking who at what time?
Draklyne: I'll show him aggressiveness
wjtong11: hahaha
Draklyne: see any "Lower" denominations in the white category?
Draklyne: no
Draklyne: fucker
wjtong11: hey, our life-span is the longest...
Draklyne: yeah
Draklyne: great
Draklyne: turtles live a long time too
Draklyne: and if it is longer on average, a large part of it is because of cultural differences
wjtong11: There are high levels of AIDS in Africa, Black America, and the Caribbean and low levels in China and Japan. European countries again fall in between.
wjtong11: wtf!?
wjtong11: there's a shitload of people that have aids in China
Draklyne: this is all bunk
Draklyne: I could make a better chart
wjtong11: dude!
wjtong11: photoshop it!
Draklyne: heh
wjtong11: does cranium size share a direct relationship with intelligence?
wjtong11: just because your head is big doesn't mean you're smart
Draklyne: no, it doesn't
Draklyne: I've seen a lot of people with big heads who were retards
wjtong11: yao
wjtong11: *cough
Draklyne: *whistle*
Draklyne: this philip rushton guy pisses me off
wjtong11: but wait
Draklyne: I'm gonna find him
wjtong11: scroll all the way down
wjtong11: he works for the Charles Darwin Research Institute
Draklyne: that doesn't mean anything
Draklyne: he probably works there as a janitor
Draklyne: and if he is a bigwig, it's just like the President or whatever of Harvard
Draklyne: y'know
Draklyne: the guy who came out and said that women were stupider than men in so many words
Draklyne: in front of an audience of very, very smart women (they're at Harvard)
Draklyne: retarded officials...
wjtong11: strangely enough
Draklyne: furthermore, this guy is obviously biased
wjtong11: I want to order this book
wjtong11: why?
wjtong11: is he white?
wjtong11: well, taking from the name
wjtong11: I would assume he's white
Draklyne: "The poor conditions of African countries and Black America have become a concern to many. Much of the optimism of the U.S. Civil Rights movement of the 1960s is gone, along with the high hopes for independent African nations. Trillions of dollars of foreign aid have poured into Africa. Yet African economies have declined since the Europeans left."
Draklyne: implying that africans are naturally retarded
Draklyne: but taking into account the social aspect
Draklyne: they had a very high level of cultural sophistication
Draklyne: white people just caught them at a bad time
Draklyne: most of their big empires had dwindled away
Draklyne: it was the African dark ages
Draklyne: and then the white people came over and enslaved them
Draklyne: and then they fucked them over
Draklyne: and left Africa after sucking away profits
Draklyne: with a wave and a "good luck!"
Draklyne: this guy completely neglects the socio-cultural side of the argument as to the differences in race
wjtong11: hmm
wjtong11: I say we ally ourselves with the blacks
wjtong11: and...
Draklyne: RUSH HOUR 3
Draklyne: or that
wjtong11: AZN POWER
wjtong11: *salutes
Draklyne: *salute
Draklyne: let's crack mexican jokes now, just for the irony
Draklyne: this is a bad thing
Draklyne: I'm tired
Draklyne: grumpy
Draklyne: and now I'm pissed at Philip Rushton
Draklyne: and all white people
Draklyne: I have better things to do than waste my time on this crap
Draklyne: at least, I think I do
Draklyne: ...this is why Asian people need to beat white people's kids


WHOA! 1st!

I actually got a sunburn on my collar line! I didn't notice it until last night...it's from Dominick's though, because I've been playing tennis with the sun on my right, and the burn is on my left.



If Yen Can Cook...!

...but he can't.

perrychu gtsn: didn't you just cook?
pkorvadi: hahha
Draklyne: hah
Draklyne: yeah I did
perrychu gtsn: hm
Draklyne: that was...
Draklyne: uh...
perrychu gtsn: scrumtious?
perrychu gtsn: or not even close?
Draklyne: well, I got good advice that I should make garlic bread from a lot of sources
Draklyne: to go with my spaghetti
perrychu gtsn: :P
pkorvadi: well
pkorvadi: okay
pkorvadi: did you?
Draklyne: and then like
Draklyne: I scrambled some eggs
Draklyne: I think I got garlic bread confused with French Toast
pkorvadi: O.o
perrychu gtsn: er...
perrychu gtsn: o_O
Draklyne: and then there wasn't enough spaghetti to go around
Draklyne: so I made some ravioli
perrychu gtsn: :P
Draklyne: by then I forgot what the hell I had the eggs scrambled for
Draklyne: so I was like
Draklyne: shit
Draklyne: so I opened up a can of corn
Draklyne: because corn and scrambled eggs are good together
perrychu gtsn: (woot! Me: 70, pauline: 97 michele: 99 ben: 98... awesome, i survived... now i can shoot the moon...)
perrychu gtsn: er
Draklyne: and when I opened the can of eggs
perrychu gtsn: corn / eggs?
Draklyne: corn
perrychu gtsn: :P
Draklyne: yeah, corn in eggs is good with rice
Draklyne: anyway
Draklyne: I opened the damn corn up
Draklyne: and it was corn in cream
Draklyne: so I didn't know what I was supposed to do
Draklyne: so I just dumped it into the scrambled eggs
dragonboi624: Wait wait, they have eggs in a can now?
Draklyne: and then I put that on the stove
Draklyne: stfu noob
dragonboi624: ;_;
Draklyne: =)
Draklyne: no, that was a typo
Draklyne: it was corn in a can
perrychu gtsn: :P
Draklyne: so I put the corn into the scrambled eggs and fried that
Draklyne: it came out looking more like a pancake than anything else
Draklyne: but when I turned the pan upside down to dump it out
perrychu gtsn: (PWNED!!!! Me: 70 Pauline: 123 Michele: 125 Ben:124... I R AWESOME!!!!!!)
Draklyne: it splattered because of the cream
pkorvadi: why don't you like...just ask someone
pkorvadi: how to do stuff
pkorvadi: =P
Draklyne: that's too easy
Draklyne: or hard
Draklyne: both really
perrychu gtsn: :P
perrychu gtsn: er
perrychu gtsn: why didn't you just stick to something...
perrychu gtsn: simpler?
Draklyne: uhh
Draklyne: I was going to shift down into something simpler
Draklyne: simpler = soup
Draklyne: soup = get all current components, put in water
pkorvadi: that is quite simple
Draklyne: add salt
Draklyne: boil
Draklyne: voila
dragonboi624: Knowing you, it won't be soup.
pkorvadi: O.o
dragonboi624: He'll try to make soup, but we all know it won't be soup.
Draklyne: it would have been egg/corn/spaghetti/ravioli water shit
pkorvadi: sigh
Draklyne: hey, let's see you cook something dragonprepubescent
pkorvadi: O.o
dragonboi624: I don't.
dragonboi624: I microwave.
perrychu gtsn: whoa
perrychu gtsn: thems fighting words
pkorvadi: haha
Draklyne: I was gonna microwave the eggs
pkorvadi: oh sigh
perrychu gtsn: whole?
perrychu gtsn: o_O
Draklyne: I don't think that would have helped
Draklyne: yeah
pkorvadi: ....
perrychu gtsn: i don't understand how your parents let you into the kitchen alone...
Draklyne: I tried microwaving oven-only pot pies yesterday
pkorvadi: ...
perrychu gtsn: they should set up some alarms
Draklyne: discovered that 20 minutes of microwave =/= 30 min. oven time
perrychu gtsn: yeah...
pkorvadi: gah
pkorvadi: i want to hit you
pkorvadi: you silly boy
perrychu gtsn: microwave = soggy pot pie...
Draklyne: hey, I took it out at 12 minutes
pkorvadi: good for you?
Draklyne: oh, it was definitely not soggy
Draklyne: noooo
Draklyne: not soggy
dragonboi624: Burnt?
perrychu gtsn: explodededededed?
Draklyne: try arid desert wasteland after the sun has expanded a few light minutes
pkorvadi: O.o
dragonboi624: Cruncy?
pkorvadi: like
pkorvadi: i'm gonna go now
pkorvadi: my mommy is mad again
perrychu gtsn: ah
Draklyne: yeah, crunchy's the word
Draklyne: but like
pkorvadi: byes now
perrychu gtsn: ><
Draklyne: I should cook for her
pkorvadi: hahhaha
pkorvadi: yeah
pkorvadi: that would help
perrychu gtsn: and i thought you were just disgusted
perrychu gtsn: with the food
Draklyne: me 23
*** pkorvadi has left the chat.
perrychu gtsn: descriptions
Draklyne: wait
Draklyne: I meant 2
perrychu gtsn: :)
Draklyne: not 23
perrychu gtsn: er
perrychu gtsn: wait
perrychu gtsn: like
Draklyne: so the pot pie was burnt into the bowl I used
perrychu gtsn: ;)
Draklyne: it had to be soaked to get it off


That's right.

Tennis Training, Day 1

Tennis in the rain is godly.


Summer, Day 2

Jeeze...can't summer relax a little bit?

Okay, so like...I fully woke up at 11, having gone to bed at three last night. I had intended to go to school today and play some Risk, but that was pretty much dead in the morning. I'd actually "woken up" at 7ish to tell my mom that I wasn't going to school and to have a bunch of chores thrown at me. Like buying a bug spray hose attachment and getting the dent out of the car and doing something with a business card (?). If anyone knows what that last one was, let me know. I was too groggy to understand what she said. Anyway, after I'd woke up proper, I internet-whored until who knows when. 1 PM? Whatever. At that point, my sister came home with a friend and I was supposed to drive them to Hawthorne. Oh but whoops, she'd forgotten her jacket on the bus (yesterday she'd forgotten it in Latin class) and her cell phone was in it. So we dilly-dallied. Then we headed off to Hawthorne, and I was convinced to hand my cell phone over to my sister. I left for the nearby Mobile gas station, attracted by the low $2.039 dollars/gallon price. I remember when $1.60 was high. Ah, for the good old days...

But anyway, I pulled up to a pump, got out, and grabbed...an "out of order" sign. Well, to be perfectly honest, it was a sign wrapped around the "Regular" nozzle handle. So I drove to the next pump. Same thing. Next...? Same thing. They were out of Regular gas. BAIT AND SWITCH, I SAY! BITCHES! IT'S ABOUT TIME FOR A "FREAK GASOLINE FIGHT ACCIDENT" SAYS I!


So I ended up paying $2.129 for gas. I used a twenty to pay for it. I could have saved eighty cents! Well, not really, since I used a twenty. But I paid eighty cents more than a comparable amount of regular gas would have cost. Which would be...hmm...I got 9.39 gallons of Special Gas, whereas I would have gotten 9.8 gallons of Regular Gas. That's a half a gallon of gas! RAWR! I needed something to smooth my ruffled feathers, so I went to Lollicup and spent three dollars (1.47 gallons of gas!) on a Strawberry Banana Snow. Mmm, sugar. So, figuring I needed to find out what the hell was going on, I headed off to Preeti's house. Except that Butterfield was closed down. So I needed to take a detour to get to Rt. 45, which wasn't so bad until I found out that Preeti wasn't home. And then, with Shwin's help, I got ahold of Yao, after notably not getting ahold of Dan or fill. I found out that Jenna was picking up Yao. Inference: Jenna knows where the fckn picnic is. So I go off to meet up with Yao. On the way, I find out that the fckn road I use to get to fckn Yao's house is fckn closed down. Then I drive past it and go down Port Clinton. Which is fckn closed down. FUCK! GRAWR!!! Finally, I end up at Yao's house, going through the Stevenson parking lot(s). Result: Jenna doesn't know where the fckn picnic is, Yao doesn't know what's going on (and half doesn't care because he's playing Yu Gi Oh online) and I just end up zoning out staring at the computer screen.

Then stuff got sorted out. It was long and tedious. We went to Willowstream, where there were proto-sandwiches. You had to make them yourself out of component parts. What the fuck? I want a whole goddamned sandwich, without the crust thank you very much. The end result was that I played soccer, baseball, football, tennis, and probably some other run-around game all without bothering to feed myself, and barely getting enough to drink.

I think that made me angry/depressed/etc. for the rest of the day.

But it was fun - activities included hitting Yao with a batted baseball and messing up his hand in the first ten minutes of practice, climbing the fence-dome thing to get some baseballs, hitting some tennis balls around the diamond, kicking a soccer ball around, practicing batting (I can unreliably hit the ball! That's so much better than never!), going off to play tennis (for a very long time...tennis ain't that hot a game to play, either), and coming back with the rain to play...uhh...rugby-ish? Toss the rugby ball? It wasn't rugby, that's for sure...but anyway, we did that, then kicked the soccer ball around s'more, then it got into a pretty intense (tackle! YAY!) game of football...except using the rugby ball. In the meanwhile, about half of the people left, and I was called by my sister (through Perry's phone...with my phone...) to come pick her up. So I left, dropping DK off on the way, and picked up my sister and her friend, who I was to drop off.

Well, that was complicated. A BUNCH OF SHIT HAPPENED. It took the better part of AN HOUR. I wasted A QUARTER OF MY GAS TANK. We were pretty much LOST. We finally muddled our way to my sister's friend's house and then went home. I was pissed. They didn't have any idea where they were. I resolved to make my sister familiarize herself with local roads and landmarks.

Gah. I was so pissed and dejected when I got home I just lay in bed and listened to music. That helped, as did going over the day's activities. It's weird how I was having a shitty day, didn't realize it because the games were fun, but still experienced shitty day syndrome.

Anyway, I'm out of here.

Summer, Day 1

See, this is why I'd talk about my day in summer...

I went in with the attitude I would carry with me for the rest of summer. Carefree, but expecting to try my hardest. Latin and English were my last finals, and English only because I had forgotten entirely about an assignment and was forced to scribble it during the class, resulting in a C paper. Latin, meanwhile, was shaping up to be perhaps my most difficult final.

I blew through them.

Then it was time to loiter in the commons, hang out with Perry, Fill, Toni, Jeff, and others. Sorry others, you didn't stay that long and/or I didn't stay that long. Ah well. But Jeff delayed me enough to miss my window of opportunity for walking home with promises of a ride. Lies. Well, he did drive me home, but a mere fifteen minutes before the bus arrived. We talked about Project Legends and cracked jokes the whole way - even climbed a side of the school (ledges!). When I got home, I started surfing the net, but as usual, my popularity cut into my free time and I was called repeatedly to pick up Perry, Io (Meredith), and Fill. Unfortunately, Perry called my cell phone, which was in my lead box. Excuse me, I meant my house. So finding them was a mite difficult, but after taking a few wrong turns and heading to Spring Lake, thinking that Perry had mispronounced the name, I found my way to Sprague Elementary school, where we promised to return for some intense four square action.

But our original Dominick's trip was cancelled, evidently, through the indecision (?) of one Great. After it was cancelled, we went to Dominick's anyway. *shrug* I still don't know what happened. We met Thompson, Dan, and Toni there, all three of whom were wearing wicked-cool sunglasses. Someone should have told me - I have a lot of cool sunglasses!

Muaha, I said "wicked-cool." I'm so Euro.

*blink* Anyway...After a bunch of freaking out on Toni's part and a bunch of useless meandering on our parts, we successfully got the sandwich works together and purchased them using Thompson's Fresh Values card, at which point we all left for Wendy's. Oh yeah, Thompson got a ball. $1.49.

Then we ate at Wendy's. The end. Notes:
-Las Palmas one day! Fried ice cream!
-The staff at Wendy's can't make the Mandarin Chicken Salad into Mandarin Spicy Chicken Salad, even if you buy a spicy chicken sandwich too. Add that to "Can't make Cantonese Chicken Salad."

Then we left. And then I found out that Perry needed a ride. Then I had to drive some more.

Where'd we...oh yeah! Io's house. Dropped off the groceries, visited the birds, PLAYED FOUR SQUARE. Wow, that was amusing. Highlights include Phil not being king, ever, Thompson being an ass, and cheatery. Lots and lots of cheatery. Then we switched to soccer, a game at which I suck. A lot. We had one net, two teams, I was the goalie, and Thompson was eternally on offense. They basically had free shots into the goal. Then we switched, Dan going goalie, and he had an amazing streak of NO GOALS. Even with Io/Mer/Meredith's amazing, accurate, high corner shots. Then I sort of ruined it - Phil centered it and I kicked it it...then later I bunny-hopped a ball to within ten feet and piffed it in. It didn't even count as a kick. It was a piff. AND IT WENT IN. After that, everybody started scoring goals. See, it was a mental block the whole time...

Then MT's sensitive alabaster skin started turning cancerous and red, so we had to leave. Where to? I was supposed to pick up Dan Kim to go fundraising...an hour ago. I'd do that on the way to dropping Phil off, and then...we went to Thompson's house! Why for? Because we're assheads! And we hadn't the courage to go ask some random person for money, so we started with the Thompsons. Thanks Mrs. Thompson! Then we moved on...and made more money in those twenty minutes than we had all day yesterday. After that, we headed off to Phil's neighborhood, because it was closer than Dan's neighborhood, and made some chump change there...off of people with driveways bigger than some houses I've seen. Okay, they weren't houses, they were apartments. But still. Phil kinda rode around while we wandered the streets - he'd already made his $93 by singing karaoke.

When DK and I were turned away by some dude eating dinner, we realized we were hungry as hell. So we headed off to Boston Market, right by BG Theaters. And evidently, that took us two hours - when we left Fill's neighborhood, it was definitely 6. When we got out of the restaurant, it was 8.


As we passed BG Theaters on the way out, we saw some people who looked kinda familiar...was that...? It was! Pichu, MT, and Dan! Then I pulled a slightly illegal manuever to talk to them whilst still in the car. Evidently, they were watching whatever movie was on at the time. So we were like, "Yeah, let's go!" and called our relative/guardian people (in my case my parents, in DK's his brother) and told them that our friends had already bought tickets for us at BG Theaters. *shrug* Okay, so the next movie wasn't at 8:10 like we'd hoped. It was at 9:10. That was just too far away. Then we got to talking. They're not goddamned fucking "bakes." They're fries. And then Thompson was talking about some sort of mythical barrel...that was composed of smaller barrels. Who knows, perhaps these barrels were composed of yet smaller barrels. Regardless, the shitty drink was supposed to infuse your bloodstream with sugar. Lots of it.

And we could find them only at Jewel-Osco. So off we went. I chucked a penny at their car, only to have it bounce off the bumper, whereupon I parked, ran out, picked the coin back up, and chucked it on their car proper. They responded with some sort of herbal...packet. It fazed me not.

At Jewel, we bought a lot of junk food. Four Jumex cans? Check. Mint chocolate? Check. Milky Ways? Check. Popsicles? Check. After exiting the register, we just kinda...stopped moving. I suppose you could call it loitering. I wouldn't - I'd call it standing...with style. Then we proceeded to eat every single bit of candy, frozen good, or otherwise sugary substance on our persons. Damn. That took a good long time. Mmm...sick...yum....

As usual, this story ends at Thompson's house. We gathered and played Smash Bros, still ill and high on the sugar. Then I figured out Thompson's overarching plan, that nemesis of all that's good in this world! Since he was already home, I would need to drive everybody. Gah! Dastardly!


I don't know if everyone's home safe. I can barely think right now. I guess I'll find out in the morning...