
Summer, Day 1

See, this is why I'd talk about my day in summer...

I went in with the attitude I would carry with me for the rest of summer. Carefree, but expecting to try my hardest. Latin and English were my last finals, and English only because I had forgotten entirely about an assignment and was forced to scribble it during the class, resulting in a C paper. Latin, meanwhile, was shaping up to be perhaps my most difficult final.

I blew through them.

Then it was time to loiter in the commons, hang out with Perry, Fill, Toni, Jeff, and others. Sorry others, you didn't stay that long and/or I didn't stay that long. Ah well. But Jeff delayed me enough to miss my window of opportunity for walking home with promises of a ride. Lies. Well, he did drive me home, but a mere fifteen minutes before the bus arrived. We talked about Project Legends and cracked jokes the whole way - even climbed a side of the school (ledges!). When I got home, I started surfing the net, but as usual, my popularity cut into my free time and I was called repeatedly to pick up Perry, Io (Meredith), and Fill. Unfortunately, Perry called my cell phone, which was in my lead box. Excuse me, I meant my house. So finding them was a mite difficult, but after taking a few wrong turns and heading to Spring Lake, thinking that Perry had mispronounced the name, I found my way to Sprague Elementary school, where we promised to return for some intense four square action.

But our original Dominick's trip was cancelled, evidently, through the indecision (?) of one Great. After it was cancelled, we went to Dominick's anyway. *shrug* I still don't know what happened. We met Thompson, Dan, and Toni there, all three of whom were wearing wicked-cool sunglasses. Someone should have told me - I have a lot of cool sunglasses!

Muaha, I said "wicked-cool." I'm so Euro.

*blink* Anyway...After a bunch of freaking out on Toni's part and a bunch of useless meandering on our parts, we successfully got the sandwich works together and purchased them using Thompson's Fresh Values card, at which point we all left for Wendy's. Oh yeah, Thompson got a ball. $1.49.

Then we ate at Wendy's. The end. Notes:
-Las Palmas one day! Fried ice cream!
-The staff at Wendy's can't make the Mandarin Chicken Salad into Mandarin Spicy Chicken Salad, even if you buy a spicy chicken sandwich too. Add that to "Can't make Cantonese Chicken Salad."

Then we left. And then I found out that Perry needed a ride. Then I had to drive some more.

Where'd we...oh yeah! Io's house. Dropped off the groceries, visited the birds, PLAYED FOUR SQUARE. Wow, that was amusing. Highlights include Phil not being king, ever, Thompson being an ass, and cheatery. Lots and lots of cheatery. Then we switched to soccer, a game at which I suck. A lot. We had one net, two teams, I was the goalie, and Thompson was eternally on offense. They basically had free shots into the goal. Then we switched, Dan going goalie, and he had an amazing streak of NO GOALS. Even with Io/Mer/Meredith's amazing, accurate, high corner shots. Then I sort of ruined it - Phil centered it and I kicked it it...then later I bunny-hopped a ball to within ten feet and piffed it in. It didn't even count as a kick. It was a piff. AND IT WENT IN. After that, everybody started scoring goals. See, it was a mental block the whole time...

Then MT's sensitive alabaster skin started turning cancerous and red, so we had to leave. Where to? I was supposed to pick up Dan Kim to go fundraising...an hour ago. I'd do that on the way to dropping Phil off, and then...we went to Thompson's house! Why for? Because we're assheads! And we hadn't the courage to go ask some random person for money, so we started with the Thompsons. Thanks Mrs. Thompson! Then we moved on...and made more money in those twenty minutes than we had all day yesterday. After that, we headed off to Phil's neighborhood, because it was closer than Dan's neighborhood, and made some chump change there...off of people with driveways bigger than some houses I've seen. Okay, they weren't houses, they were apartments. But still. Phil kinda rode around while we wandered the streets - he'd already made his $93 by singing karaoke.

When DK and I were turned away by some dude eating dinner, we realized we were hungry as hell. So we headed off to Boston Market, right by BG Theaters. And evidently, that took us two hours - when we left Fill's neighborhood, it was definitely 6. When we got out of the restaurant, it was 8.


As we passed BG Theaters on the way out, we saw some people who looked kinda familiar...was that...? It was! Pichu, MT, and Dan! Then I pulled a slightly illegal manuever to talk to them whilst still in the car. Evidently, they were watching whatever movie was on at the time. So we were like, "Yeah, let's go!" and called our relative/guardian people (in my case my parents, in DK's his brother) and told them that our friends had already bought tickets for us at BG Theaters. *shrug* Okay, so the next movie wasn't at 8:10 like we'd hoped. It was at 9:10. That was just too far away. Then we got to talking. They're not goddamned fucking "bakes." They're fries. And then Thompson was talking about some sort of mythical barrel...that was composed of smaller barrels. Who knows, perhaps these barrels were composed of yet smaller barrels. Regardless, the shitty drink was supposed to infuse your bloodstream with sugar. Lots of it.

And we could find them only at Jewel-Osco. So off we went. I chucked a penny at their car, only to have it bounce off the bumper, whereupon I parked, ran out, picked the coin back up, and chucked it on their car proper. They responded with some sort of herbal...packet. It fazed me not.

At Jewel, we bought a lot of junk food. Four Jumex cans? Check. Mint chocolate? Check. Milky Ways? Check. Popsicles? Check. After exiting the register, we just kinda...stopped moving. I suppose you could call it loitering. I wouldn't - I'd call it standing...with style. Then we proceeded to eat every single bit of candy, frozen good, or otherwise sugary substance on our persons. Damn. That took a good long time. Mmm...sick...yum....

As usual, this story ends at Thompson's house. We gathered and played Smash Bros, still ill and high on the sugar. Then I figured out Thompson's overarching plan, that nemesis of all that's good in this world! Since he was already home, I would need to drive everybody. Gah! Dastardly!


I don't know if everyone's home safe. I can barely think right now. I guess I'll find out in the morning...


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