
If Yen Can Cook...!

...but he can't.

perrychu gtsn: didn't you just cook?
pkorvadi: hahha
Draklyne: hah
Draklyne: yeah I did
perrychu gtsn: hm
Draklyne: that was...
Draklyne: uh...
perrychu gtsn: scrumtious?
perrychu gtsn: or not even close?
Draklyne: well, I got good advice that I should make garlic bread from a lot of sources
Draklyne: to go with my spaghetti
perrychu gtsn: :P
pkorvadi: well
pkorvadi: okay
pkorvadi: did you?
Draklyne: and then like
Draklyne: I scrambled some eggs
Draklyne: I think I got garlic bread confused with French Toast
pkorvadi: O.o
perrychu gtsn: er...
perrychu gtsn: o_O
Draklyne: and then there wasn't enough spaghetti to go around
Draklyne: so I made some ravioli
perrychu gtsn: :P
Draklyne: by then I forgot what the hell I had the eggs scrambled for
Draklyne: so I was like
Draklyne: shit
Draklyne: so I opened up a can of corn
Draklyne: because corn and scrambled eggs are good together
perrychu gtsn: (woot! Me: 70, pauline: 97 michele: 99 ben: 98... awesome, i survived... now i can shoot the moon...)
perrychu gtsn: er
Draklyne: and when I opened the can of eggs
perrychu gtsn: corn / eggs?
Draklyne: corn
perrychu gtsn: :P
Draklyne: yeah, corn in eggs is good with rice
Draklyne: anyway
Draklyne: I opened the damn corn up
Draklyne: and it was corn in cream
Draklyne: so I didn't know what I was supposed to do
Draklyne: so I just dumped it into the scrambled eggs
dragonboi624: Wait wait, they have eggs in a can now?
Draklyne: and then I put that on the stove
Draklyne: stfu noob
dragonboi624: ;_;
Draklyne: =)
Draklyne: no, that was a typo
Draklyne: it was corn in a can
perrychu gtsn: :P
Draklyne: so I put the corn into the scrambled eggs and fried that
Draklyne: it came out looking more like a pancake than anything else
Draklyne: but when I turned the pan upside down to dump it out
perrychu gtsn: (PWNED!!!! Me: 70 Pauline: 123 Michele: 125 Ben:124... I R AWESOME!!!!!!)
Draklyne: it splattered because of the cream
pkorvadi: why don't you like...just ask someone
pkorvadi: how to do stuff
pkorvadi: =P
Draklyne: that's too easy
Draklyne: or hard
Draklyne: both really
perrychu gtsn: :P
perrychu gtsn: er
perrychu gtsn: why didn't you just stick to something...
perrychu gtsn: simpler?
Draklyne: uhh
Draklyne: I was going to shift down into something simpler
Draklyne: simpler = soup
Draklyne: soup = get all current components, put in water
pkorvadi: that is quite simple
Draklyne: add salt
Draklyne: boil
Draklyne: voila
dragonboi624: Knowing you, it won't be soup.
pkorvadi: O.o
dragonboi624: He'll try to make soup, but we all know it won't be soup.
Draklyne: it would have been egg/corn/spaghetti/ravioli water shit
pkorvadi: sigh
Draklyne: hey, let's see you cook something dragonprepubescent
pkorvadi: O.o
dragonboi624: I don't.
dragonboi624: I microwave.
perrychu gtsn: whoa
perrychu gtsn: thems fighting words
pkorvadi: haha
Draklyne: I was gonna microwave the eggs
pkorvadi: oh sigh
perrychu gtsn: whole?
perrychu gtsn: o_O
Draklyne: I don't think that would have helped
Draklyne: yeah
pkorvadi: ....
perrychu gtsn: i don't understand how your parents let you into the kitchen alone...
Draklyne: I tried microwaving oven-only pot pies yesterday
pkorvadi: ...
perrychu gtsn: they should set up some alarms
Draklyne: discovered that 20 minutes of microwave =/= 30 min. oven time
perrychu gtsn: yeah...
pkorvadi: gah
pkorvadi: i want to hit you
pkorvadi: you silly boy
perrychu gtsn: microwave = soggy pot pie...
Draklyne: hey, I took it out at 12 minutes
pkorvadi: good for you?
Draklyne: oh, it was definitely not soggy
Draklyne: noooo
Draklyne: not soggy
dragonboi624: Burnt?
perrychu gtsn: explodededededed?
Draklyne: try arid desert wasteland after the sun has expanded a few light minutes
pkorvadi: O.o
dragonboi624: Cruncy?
pkorvadi: like
pkorvadi: i'm gonna go now
pkorvadi: my mommy is mad again
perrychu gtsn: ah
Draklyne: yeah, crunchy's the word
Draklyne: but like
pkorvadi: byes now
perrychu gtsn: ><
Draklyne: I should cook for her
pkorvadi: hahhaha
pkorvadi: yeah
pkorvadi: that would help
perrychu gtsn: and i thought you were just disgusted
perrychu gtsn: with the food
Draklyne: me 23
*** pkorvadi has left the chat.
perrychu gtsn: descriptions
Draklyne: wait
Draklyne: I meant 2
perrychu gtsn: :)
Draklyne: not 23
perrychu gtsn: er
perrychu gtsn: wait
perrychu gtsn: like
Draklyne: so the pot pie was burnt into the bowl I used
perrychu gtsn: ;)
Draklyne: it had to be soaked to get it off


Blogger TheVerySexyAtom said...





6/05/2005 8:59 PM  

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