jk2788: it's ok
jk2788: fill and weijia both confessed
jk2788: you are the best liar tho
jk2788: congrats =)
Draklyne: hah
Draklyne: er
Draklyne: ...ok
jk2788: but why?
jk2788: oh, why?
jk2788: *dramatic*
Draklyne: It's because I love life too much!
jk2788: O.o
jk2788: umm
jk2788: ok!
Draklyne: Forsooth, twas entirely my fault!
Draklyne: well, not really
Draklyne: does your car still smell?
jk2788: i don't think so
Draklyne: okay, good
jk2788: maybe just of the avocado salad yao spilled
jk2788: ><
jk2788: eww
Draklyne: heh
jk2788: but it did smell strongly
Draklyne: eww indeed
Draklyne: the funny thing is, Sir didn't seem to notice
jk2788: haha
jk2788: she was like...is that who you were waving at?
Draklyne: and we blew most of the can on her car
jk2788: wow
jk2788: she really didn't notice?
jk2788: weird
Draklyne: yeah
Draklyne: at least
Draklyne: well
Draklyne: hmm
jk2788: she definitely only saw us...i think...
Draklyne: yeah
Draklyne: we did a bunch of crap today
Draklyne: I've gotta write it all down before I forget
Draklyne: ><
jk2788: haha
jk2788: wait
jk2788: so did you actually go to the airport?
Draklyne: no
jk2788: ok
jk2788: hey!
Draklyne: we did see her off though
Draklyne: we were at preeti's house
Draklyne: talking about AXE-ing sir's car
jk2788: then why the hell was fill criticizing me for not!!
jk2788: haha
Draklyne: I mentioned that I was supposed to go see Mr. and Mrs. Smith with Daria and Xia at 3:45
Draklyne: and Preeti was like
Draklyne: "Sir's there
Draklyne: watching it
Draklyne: with jenna, yao, and yaz (I think that was all...)"
jk2788: ha
jk2788: and neal
Draklyne: and then Weij was like, "Hey, I'm Ser, let's go out with some friends and make some other friends feel left out"
Draklyne: then we were like
Draklyne: wait...how did we start talking about Axe?
jk2788: haha
Draklyne: anyway, then we left
Draklyne: and did crazy stuff
jk2788: nice
jk2788: by the way
jk2788: you were the best liar
jk2788: of the three of you
jk2788: but i am indeed better
Draklyne: psh
jk2788: for they did not, in fact, confess
Draklyne: that's a lie
jk2788: =P
jk2788: but you did!
jk2788: hahaha
Draklyne: eh, I figured that was one option
Draklyne: I decided it was worth it since I was gonna try to remember what happened anyway
Draklyne: so help me out here
jk2788: ok?
Draklyne: I'll just IM what I remember...
Draklyne: okay, it started out in the morning...like lots of days normally do...
Draklyne: I had stayed up til 3AM the previous night
Draklyne: scripting
Draklyne: so I woke up at 9:30, which is two and a half hours late
Draklyne: I get online, stuff happens, stuff happens, my mom bothers me, stuff happens
Draklyne: suddenly, Weijia IMs me
Draklyne: "are you going to the airport?"
Draklyne: I'm like, "Wtf? Why would I be going to the airport?"
Draklyne: and then he's like, "Preeti's going to India." and tells me to be there by two
Draklyne: now, I've already scheduled a movie at 3:45PM with Daria and Xia to see Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Draklyne: so I figure instead of going all the way to the airport
Draklyne: and hanging with Preeti until 7PM at O'Hare, I can just get to her house early and hang out for a while to say goodbye
Draklyne: picking up fill on the way is a plus
Draklyne: er, at that point I had an emergency
jk2788: ?
jk2788: oh no!
Draklyne: the pot of boiling water I had started for lunch (instant noodles) had been boiling for...an hour?
jk2788: haha
jk2788: hahahahha
jk2788: wow
jk2788: good job
Draklyne: osh htist
Draklyne: st
Draklyne: HSIT
Draklyne: FUCK
Draklyne: I was trying to type "oh shit" really fast
jk2788: hah
jk2788: good job
jk2788: it sorta worked
Draklyne: Anyway, once I'd dunked the pot in cold water, I tried again, and this time I managed to make noodles
Draklyne: so I left at 1:15-ish to get fill and head off to preeti's house
Draklyne: we joked around like we normally do, mostly about the pick we bought at a garage sale for three dollars
Draklyne: that I'd had in my car for months
jk2788: guitar pick?
Draklyne: so we were pointing at things and saying, "yeah, I'd pick that!"
jk2788: or hair?
Draklyne: no, it's like
Draklyne: what is a hair pick?
Draklyne: http://www.texasarrowheads.com/pick-mattocks/roy-mills-pick.jpg
Draklyne: that kind of pick
Draklyne: it's huge
jk2788: ooohhh
jk2788: hair pick is like what people wear in their fros
Draklyne: ah
Draklyne: I'll take your word for it
jk2788: so a pickaxe?
Draklyne: yeah, that's the one
jk2788: haha...axe...irony...anyway...
Draklyne: anyway, we ended up at Preeti's house at 1:44
Draklyne: and weijia wasn't there, which was funny because he said he'd meet us there at 1:30
Draklyne: *shrug*
Draklyne: anyway, we got to talking about some stuff that we should put in our movie (for next year's film fest)
Draklyne: and pure insanity poured out
Draklyne: like a Godzilla scene that introduces Thompson as he crushes out the lives of innocent asians
Draklyne: and another one where somebody buys a Creative Zen Touch MP3 player
jk2788: teehee
Draklyne: and it kicks him in the nuts
jk2788: haha
Draklyne: and somehow
Draklyne: we got to talking about axe
Draklyne: like
Draklyne: where the fuck did that come from?
Draklyne: we were like, "Ashwin's the axe pusher"
Draklyne: and "Axe would make any woman horny - if we Axed someone's car, they (the women) would be all over it"
jk2788: haha
Draklyne: and then Preeti told us about you guys going to the movies
Draklyne: and fill was like
jk2788: except you Axed women's cars?
Draklyne: "Let's axe her car."
Draklyne: 'cept we didn't have axe
jk2788: haha
Draklyne: so it was around 3:00 when Preeti was supposed to leave for the airport
Draklyne: but she was still there
Draklyne: and Zach was trying to figure out how to get his MP3's onto her ipod
Draklyne: which, by the way, displays photos and has a color screen
jk2788: i know
Draklyne: well, he failed at putting the mp3's on her iPod
jk2788: her's is a million times greater than mine
Draklyne: because...well, he's zach
jk2788: *hers
jk2788: haha
jk2788: nice
jk2788: i'll tell him you said that
Draklyne: heh
Draklyne: *shrug*
jk2788: the axe makes monica want to have sex with me on my car
Draklyne: haha
jk2788: just so you know
Draklyne: knew it worked...
jk2788: buketDtrandafiri (9:40:53 PM): mmm jenna +axe
buketDtrandafiri (9:40:56 PM): absolutley ideal
Draklyne: haha
jk2788: now you just have to put it on a guy's car
jk2788: like yours
Draklyne: hmmm...
Draklyne: I actually damaged my car, I think
Draklyne: today
Draklyne: but we'll get to that
Draklyne: it was 3PM when we left, figuring you guys would be out of the theater at 3:30
Draklyne: and we needed some axe
Draklyne: so we sped off towards Showplace
Draklyne: we weren't really sure you guys were at showplace
jk2788: we were
Draklyne: but I remembered from last night that it wasn't playing at Rivertree
Draklyne: yeah...I know...
Draklyne: I had been checking the showtimes
jk2788: mm
Draklyne: so if it wasn't at rivertree, showplace was the most likely
jk2788: haha
jk2788: cuz we're cheap
jk2788: yeah
Draklyne: heh, same motivation
Draklyne: anyway, we sped off to Target, which, by the way, has the most confusing maze-like parking lot with the construction
Draklyne: and I dropped off fill and weij to look for some axe
Draklyne: we were kinda cutting it close...
Draklyne: I made an illegal U turn after Target, which actually slowed us down instead of helping us
jk2788: haha
Draklyne: and then we were off to showplace
jk2788: oops
Draklyne: luckily, we saw Sir's car at the very entrance to the lot
jk2788: yep
Draklyne: fill knew what your car looked like, but he wasn't paying any attention
jk2788: mine was next to it
jk2788: wait...umm
Draklyne: so we didn't get to your car
jk2788: were there still 3 silver corollas when you were there?
jk2788: cuz
jk2788: there were when i parked
Draklyne: I don't think...so...
jk2788: like
jk2788: next to each other....
Draklyne: oh, not 3
Draklyne: but anyway,
Draklyne: we got out
Draklyne: Axe in hand
Draklyne: the little free sample back in the car
Draklyne: (that tiny axe bottle cost $4!)
jk2788: yup
jk2788: it's strong
Draklyne: and we Axe'd Sir's car
jk2788: you shouldn't need to use much
Draklyne: oh yeah, we used a lot
Draklyne: it really killed my nose
Draklyne: gave me a headache and made me dizzy
Draklyne: thank god we were outside
Draklyne: otherwise I'd have fainted
jk2788: yeah
jk2788: it's an inhalant
jk2788: if you inhale it like that
Draklyne: yeah....there was a warning against using it in "dangerously high concentrations in order to achieve a mentally stimulating effect" or something like that
jk2788: yeah
Draklyne: anyway, we started to axe her car
Draklyne: and like
jk2788: weijia's away message
Draklyne: it looks like a spray can
Draklyne: so like
Draklyne: people were looking at us
Draklyne: this one guy was watching us as he parked
Draklyne: and we were afraid he was gonna call the cops
Draklyne: it looks so bad when you're axing someone's car
jk2788: haha
jk2788: i bet
Draklyne: but we hit her tires, her license plate, and the handles on the doors
Draklyne: *evil grin*
Draklyne: >:)
jk2788: haha
jk2788: just go for the window
Draklyne: probably used half the bottle
jk2788: that's what you got on mine
jk2788: and it was effective
Draklyne: yeah, I told them to avoid the windows
Draklyne: because cars have coatings on the windows that the chemicals might interfere with
Draklyne: wouldn't want melted windows...
jk2788: hmm
jk2788: awesome
Draklyne: ...
jk2788: cuz my car's windows got sprayed
Draklyne: ...oops
Draklyne: well
Draklyne: it's still good, right?
Draklyne: I'm sure it won't do anything
jk2788: haha
jk2788: sure
Draklyne: it was just idle speculation anyway
Draklyne: but fill sighted you guys with his eagle eyes and we ran for it
Draklyne: we were parked not so far away
jk2788: ran/drove...
Draklyne: and then we followed you, but I was too pumped up to do it intelligently
Draklyne: i.e. wait and then watch where you were going, follow at a distance
Draklyne: so we were right behind you
jk2788: haha
Draklyne: and to combat your seeing us, we flipped the sun shield thingies down
jk2788: ><
Draklyne: so I could barely see anything except the back of your car
jk2788: you drove up next to my car....
Draklyne: I'm surprised we made it out alive
Draklyne: I was high on the fumes and blinded
jk2788: and you drove close to my car?!
Draklyne: not so much...well
jk2788: if you had dented it, i would have dented you
Draklyne: we flipped the things back up
Draklyne: but I guess I was still dizzy...
Draklyne: and to be fair, I didn't notice I was drifting onto the other lane
Draklyne: but anyway, weij tried to use the rest of the can on your car
jk2788: ><
jk2788: you totally changed into the other lane
Draklyne: and we sped away
jk2788: that's not drifting!
jk2788: you turned left
jk2788: i turned right
Draklyne: yeah
jk2788: whee
Draklyne: but we didn't succeed in using the entire can
Draklyne: and we noticed earlier that Sir had gone the other way
Draklyne: we assumed they were going to someone's house to hang out in Grosse Point
Draklyne: so we went back to GP
Draklyne: and after driving around
Draklyne: didn't see Sir's car at anyone's houses
Draklyne: so we were like
jk2788: haha
Draklyne: wtf
jk2788: she went to the mall or walmart
jk2788: i forget
jk2788: with neal
jk2788: i went to gp
Draklyne: yeah, walmart
Draklyne: and books a million at one point
jk2788: to drop off yaz
jk2788: i went to books a million
jk2788: that's what the right turn was for
Draklyne: anyway, we were running around GP looking for them
Draklyne: hm
jk2788: after that we went our separate ways
Draklyne: well
Draklyne: I guess I'll tell you the full story
jk2788: haha
jk2788: ok
Draklyne: we drove around and saw Zen's house
Draklyne: we were like
jk2788: uh oh
Draklyne: "Shit! IT'S ZEN'S CAR!"
jk2788: she's in spain?
Draklyne: ah
Draklyne: good thing we didn't axe her car
jk2788: haha
jk2788: ok
Draklyne: but we did
Draklyne: shit
Draklyne: she's not there?
Draklyne: oooh...
jk2788: haha
Draklyne: well
Draklyne: whoever's there
jk2788: the axe will have dissipated by the time she gets back
jk2788: nobody
jk2788: they're all in europe
Draklyne: the mail box will be very interesting for a while
jk2788: hahaha
jk2788: mmm
jk2788: oops
Draklyne: mailman at least?
Draklyne: weij shot it on the inside lid
jk2788: ha
jk2788: they probably canceled their mail service while theyre gone
Draklyne: damn
jk2788: or have a neighbor picking it up
Draklyne: that's boring
jk2788: either way
Draklyne: at least the folks won't be knocked out by the stench
jk2788: haha
Draklyne: we kept on going a little past Zen's house
Draklyne: and then we saw a mattress that someone was throwing out
Draklyne: we were like
Draklyne: and then we stole it
jk2788: haha
jk2788: well
jk2788: craig's mom stole a window
Draklyne: wha...?
jk2788: so a mattress is fine i guess =)
Draklyne: how....
jk2788: someone threw it out?
Draklyne: oic
Draklyne: after we got it in the car we were like
Draklyne: ew
Draklyne: I hope it doesn't have manjuices on it
Draklyne: STIs!
Draklyne: EWW
Draklyne: and then we didn't want to touch it
Draklyne: and weijia was afraid it was gonna eat him
jk2788: haha
jk2788: eat him?
Draklyne: yeah
Draklyne: it was in the back seat
Draklyne: he was in the middle row
Draklyne: and it was leaning towards him
Draklyne: so we were like
Draklyne: what the fuck are we going to do...
Draklyne: we have a can of axe, a mattress, and three asian guys
Draklyne: ...that sounds really homosexual
jk2788: haha
jk2788: a bit
Draklyne: so we drove around and decided to call Sir to find out where everybody was
Draklyne: she filled us in
Draklyne: well
Draklyne: I asked if they'd seen the Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Draklyne: because "I was planning to see it with my family"
jk2788: they/we
Draklyne: yeah, you guys and sir
jk2788: haha
jk2788: no you weren't
Draklyne: and it did seem like a good idea at the time, so I started planning for it
Draklyne: so it wasn't exactly a lie
jk2788: hmm
jk2788: ok
Draklyne: but Weij was giving me the "end the call!" cue
Draklyne: so I said my family was going and I had to hand up
Draklyne: *hang
Draklyne: and then we saw her driving towards us
Draklyne: "FUCK!"
Draklyne: we all ducked
jk2788: um
Draklyne: she drove past...I keyed the ignition and we floored it
jk2788: minivan?
jk2788: haha
jk2788: ok
Draklyne: in the rear view, meanwhile, we saw her brake, start to reverse, and turn
Draklyne: yeah, I definitely pushed that minivan
Draklyne: somehow we ended up at Weijia's house
jk2788: ok...
Draklyne: grabbed a few water bottles, and decided to cool off the day with some Lollicup
jk2788: wow
jk2788: you really like that lollicup
Draklyne: but first, we'd need some pictures of us for the Awesome People Wall
Draklyne: and decided that it would be best if we printed them at SHS
Draklyne: because ink costs a lot
Draklyne: we went into the labs...someone set us up a computer...which then proceeded to fuck up
Draklyne: and printed like 50 pages of nonsense
Draklyne: we left
jk2788: oops
Draklyne: yeah
Draklyne: whoopsie daisy
Draklyne: then we went to fill's house
Draklyne: at which point I remembered the movie
Draklyne: that I was supposed to have gone to watch
Draklyne: with Daria and Xia
jk2788: ha
jk2788: umm
jk2788: oops
Draklyne: yeah...gar....
Draklyne: I dropped everyone off, went home
Draklyne: and called Xia
Draklyne: at which point he was pissed at me
Draklyne: because I called him during the movie
jk2788: haha
jk2788: hahahah
jk2788: someone didn't heed the warnings
Draklyne: oh, and there was the small detail that I essentially ditched them
jk2788: right
jk2788: that
jk2788: not so good
Draklyne: but we decided to meet up and do our dinner plans anyway
Draklyne: and I was almost there when...I got lost
jk2788: *sigh*
jk2788: lost where?
Draklyne: I was just following wherever my car took me
jk2788: haha
Draklyne: I came to an old restaurant I used to go to
jk2788: where were you trying to go?
Draklyne: except that it was closed down
Draklyne: and not a restaurant anymore
jk2788: hmm
Draklyne: we were gonna meet up at Best Hunan
Draklyne: I went to some place off of Rt. 60 that used to be called like "Golden Palace" or something
Draklyne: but when I got the bright idea to call Xia
jk2788: hmm
Draklyne: he said the dinner plans were off
jk2788: haha
jk2788: oh
jk2788: hmm
jk2788: ><
Draklyne: Daria was taken away by her mom
Draklyne: ooh
Draklyne: Daria's online
Draklyne: she's gonna be pissed at me
jk2788: haha
Draklyne: it's going well
the pilot daemon: so
Draklyne: err.
Draklyne: yes.
jk2788: haha
jk2788: awkward?
Draklyne: a bit
Draklyne: but anyway, since xia didn't know about Lollicup, I took him there to discuss our movie (our movie being different from the other one I mentioned)
Draklyne: and I actually finished the script for a completely different one last night too...
Draklyne: roight
Draklyne: anyway
jk2788: ok
Draklyne: we "shot the shit" so to speak
Draklyne: until my sister called
jk2788: aww
jk2788: i love your sister!!
Draklyne: at which point I remembered that I left her at her friend's house
jk2788: she's cute...
Draklyne: me too
jk2788: awww
Draklyne: but don't tell her I said that!
jk2788: what a terrible brother!
jk2788: haha
jk2788: ok
jk2788: i won't
Draklyne: and then I got her a slush and headed over
Draklyne: and then I got home
jk2788: haha
jk2788: ok
jk2788: and now you're home?
Draklyne: yup
Draklyne: and then you tricked me
jk2788: hehe
jk2788: yep
jk2788: yay for me
Draklyne: yay!