


I love the rain. Seriously. It's proof that God exists. How else would water fall from the sky!?

Currently listening to: Children of the Monkey Machine

I'm so hyper. K, lemme tell you what you missed while I was on my not-updating binge. Whoa, been a long time...

So I went to Acen. I've taken to calling it the largest coming-together of fat white males dressed as Japanese school girls. Most horrifying quote: "That chick has some pretty nice legs. OH SHIT, THAT'S NOT A GIRL!"

Thank God that all seems like years ago...anyway, there were a lot of cosplayers (ignore the first five or so pics - start at the pic w/Cici running towards the scary giant fox) with awesome costumes, though I felt smug that I had cosplayed as Kakashi a full year before the Naruto craze hit the cosplay community. There were some pretty sweet hats - in the (imagined) words of Yankun, "OMIGOSHIES! SO CUTE!!!@!" that had various anime animal ears ontop. Panda hats! There were also various wooden weapons on sale, a RedOctane display (where the employees owned everyone at In The Groove), and an Artists' Alley, which I more or less completely ignored. Cici and Alyson tried to kill people by dropping stuff off the 8th floor of the Hyatt. There were sandwiches on sale for $2.50 for THREE. Stuff happened, DK lost his keys, my cousins showed up, there was a wedding (poor bastards!) in the Rosemont at the same time, and I got to prove how mediocre I was at Smash Bros, Halo, and DDR. My god, owned in all three.

A week later, I returned for Prom. I was going to ask someone, but I had a nightmare a few days before that convinced me that if it wasn't going to mean anything, I shouldn't ask anyone anyway. Someone was just beginning to drive me crazy, but she was taken already.


So I went stag. I had already gone to prom last year, so I knew what to expect in terms of entertainment (almost none) so I made some myself. I figured out how to "dance" (see Prom post) and pretty much did that the whole time. It was hard watching some guy at my table verbally abuse my friends (strangely he didn't attempt anything on me), so I didn't stick around there that long. Overall, prom is a very "blah" experience, one that you have to make something of yourself.

Since then, I've given up on high school, realized that I'm taking a CLC class already and doing horribly (in terms of GPA) which may fuck up my transcript, so I'm beginning to worry. Started realizing that some of my plans for this summer would be impossible without some sort of schedule (or INSANE motivation, which weren't happening) and, preferably, people there to bolster my resolve. I'll try to get things done myself, regardless, but you guys are my strength. At heart, I'm a coward and a follower.

So I made a pretty lil' calendar. I still have to hammer out details with my bandmembers on when we're going to practice (regularly! what a freaky concept!) and about future gigs.

Oh, but before that, I went to Funkelfest with a bunch of Stevenson people. It was hella fun, but I already wrote a post on it...

I made it my weekend job (last weekend) to get ahold of some Koala Yummies to sell for Relay for Life, and then GET SOMEONE ELSE TO SELL THEM. Otherwise, I'd just make back what I spent on them, and eat the rest...dumbass...I did that last year...

So I got together some friends (Perry, Dan, George!) and we went to Argyle Chinatown (North Chinatown/Ghetto Chinatown/Grunge Chinatown/Vietnam Town) and picked up some Asian snack at a grocery store with this horrific little parking lot with only one entrance/exit and thousands of Chinese drivers. My God. I always point at Chinatown when people start trying to refute the "Asian Driver" stereotype. Sorry guys. We lost this one. Maybe if at least 50% of these drivers had legal driver's licenses we'd have a shot, but I think most of them just came over, bought a car, outdrove and outmaneuvered the cops and therefore never needed a driver's license.

Funny, my cousin's been driving crazier and crazier ever since his oldest brother told him he drove like, "an old woman...an old CHINESE woman!"

Anyway, finished picking up mad snacks and a 50lb bag of rice for my mom (Holy shit! $21.60!!! That's less than $0.50 per pound!) and loaded Perry's Prius up.

Let me talk about Perry's Prius. Please. I have a confession.

I have sexual urges towards Perry's car. I just wanna hump it because it's a hybrid, even though its exterior is ugly as hell. I now love that car, despite the horrible outside look. Inisde, the dash has a really cool design, it's got an electric gear-shifter (though I don't know if the transmission is fully electric too), a power button (WTF?!), and a little meter that reads the miles per gallon...49.9MPG! OH MY GOD! And it has an air intake for the battery that, if covered, would probably cause the engine to burst into flames! Holy shit! Talk about bonus features! And it's really roomy, for being such a small car...I just stroked the interior materials over and over while I was in it...

Yeah. Where was I? Right, Tank...

Then we decided to eat, which was only slightly weird because it was 3PM and Geo and I had band practice at 4. So we went to Tank, a Vietnamese restaurant where they play dance music and have a FREAKING TANK AS THEIR MASCOT. It's not even a Vietnamese word or anything, it's just a freakin' tank. Anyway, I love that place. The food is really good, even though the restaurant strikes me as slightly dirty. That's okay...it's Grunge Chinatown. That's why you're here.

All four of us ordered number 39...X-tra Large Bowl of Noodles. Those things are big. Really big. We introduced Dan (and Perry?) to spring rolls, which are teh uber. Early on in the game, Perry incapacitated his eating abilities by biting and eating one of the peppers they'd provided us with, and the soup was forever after too hot to drink. Poor bastard was too used to the peppers at school. These things were monsters. Then Geo and Dan decided they'd eat some too.

Wow. Guys are stupid. I would have started crying like a little girl if I'd had even a lick of one, because I'm a wuss, so I stayed away.

Long story short, the rest of the time we spent there was trying to find some therapy for the spice shock they'd gone through. Candy kinda worked in the end, so we left. However, we underestimated traffic, and got to Meredith's house for band practice about an hour late - at 5. We jammed, with direction and randomness, and then kinda broke down at 6:30ish. Geo, Meredith, and I made our way to some other place...oh man, my memory gets fuzzy...

Oh, right! That's the day I saw the Da Vinci Code. But first, I fell asleep in the car, so I have no idea what the fuck happened. One minute I was awake, the next minute I was awake...SOMEWHERE ELSE. o.O More proof of God...that, and there was this mysterious puddle on Geo's car seat where my face had been when I was unconscious. More God-water!

There was a lot of peanut-eating at the restaurant. Then I ate two very good hot dogs, and other people got pizza and fries, and then I paid...for...

Hey. Some of you people owe me money.

Anyway, I eventually decided to go to the Da Vinci Code with Caitlin, Bobby, Pang, Jeff, and Andrew (Duffy?). Geo left, because his parents were on his case, and Meredith went to her house for a bonfire. WOO! Fortunately, I wasn't left out of the bonfire action - it just didn't happen because it was too wet. Yay! I can burn my college mail some other time. This Friday, perhaps?

I liked the Da Vinci Code...the same way I really love the delightful old lady crossing the street in front of me with her walker. I would love to spend some time to crochet with her and swap stories about the young men her grand daughter has been making eyes at, but WHY WON'T YOU HURRY THE FUCK UP, LANGDON?! JESUS! Plus, the movie started really late, so we were there until about 1.

Got driven home by Pang. If you ever read this, thanks! Honestly, I love your driving - I think everyone else drives too tamely. After The Da Vinci Code, that was real entertainment!

I started putting a lot of effort into running every day, and getting to school instead of ditching. You have no idea how hard that is for me. I told my dad I wouldn't ditch anymore a while ago, and I'm keeping that promise...only a week left. One day I ran 1/3rd of the way to school (yeah...that really kills. having asthma as a child is not conducive to doing activities that build up a good cardiovascular system, so now I suck) and walked the rest. Another day, I walked to school, timing the whole thing down to the minute - I got to school a minute before 1b started, and ran to class on time. Then two days ago (technically), I woke up at 8:20 and had to be at school by 8:40. I took my bike out of the garage, which took five minutes, and then biked furiously to school. Again, arrived a minute before class started and ran to class.

Hm. I love dissecting that cat.

Today was more of an ordinary day. I got driven to school and served a detention for going home 6th period to get a tux for prom (ditching 7th period) and then went through class as normal. I felt like I'd forgotten something as I left school to walk home with Meredith. Turns out, I'd forgotten that I was supposed to drive my mom to the airport to catch her flight. Oh well. Luckily, my grandparents were at the house, so she had a ride. Meredith and I chatted the whole way home, and then I stole some cookies and water from her house, and ran all the way back home. I probably got online then, but it was such a nice day outside...

...and I wanted to do some tanning, because my chest is pretty pasty. So I called some folks up to see if they were up for something, and then went to Yao's house, semi-uninvited. I picked up Spence on the way (hell, what's one more uninvited guest?) and got there ahead of Geo and Ik. We invited Yao out back to his own trampoline, which he promptly ignored and stayed inside for half an hour. Ik and George arrived, and then Yao came out too, and we did some flips and played popcorn, which is a devilish game. I only remembered to take my shirt off for the last couple minutes, though.

I'd forgotten about my sister, and left my cellphone in the car. She needed a ride from school, so we left, George to drop off Ik. Supposedly, he was supposed to meet us back at Tacos El Norte, but instead I went to pick up my sister and some annoying little asian girl who managed to irritate me more in fifteen minutes than my sister had annoyed me in the past year. I let Yao off at Tacos El Norte because he said he would run home to get a car to make it to Senior Awards in time, but was evidently joking and whined like crazy. Whatever. Anyway, I had to drop the annoying girl off, telling George to meet me at DK's house, because I assumed I'd be dropping Spence off next, who lives right next to DK. Then Geo, DK, and I could jam. However, it was not to be, as DK was going to the awards thing too, so I had to call George back and tell him to meet me at Lollicup. Then Kim called and said I forgot to call her after school so we could go jog. Damn, I did. I asked if she wanted to do something now, but she was going to Senior Awards.

We'll do something tomorrow, though.

Anyway, Spence, Alyson, and I ate 5 hot dogs altogether, and chilled at Lollicup, waiting for George. I fielded a call from Dan, and said I'd pick him up to go running in a forest preserve. I got there, intending to drop off Alyson and Spence, when we realized it was almost sundown. So we went and picked up Dan, by which point it was almost dark outside. Then we tried to decide what to do. We ended up going to Sprague school in my car to chill with Meredith, but evidently she'd gone to Senior awards as well.

C'mon, guys! Fuck Senior Awards! They're just consolation prizes for the game of life, anyway.

So we just hung out at the playground and did freerun-esque type things. Kip-ups are the trick of the day! That was fun. On the way to Dan's house to return everyone, I got a call from Kim, saying all the Senior Awards kids were at Ben and Jerry's, so we did a U turn and chilled with the folks at Ben and Jerry's for a bit. I'd already been sugared up at Lollicup, so I was fine. I heard I won three awards, though. Who the hell gives me an award for school?

It started raining incredibly hard when we left. I could not see a thing except for some blurred headlights, and I was driving at 55mph. That was really fun. I started hydroplaning on the right side, so naturally I changed lanes to the left side. Other drivers were moving really slowly for some reason, so I passed a bunch of people on the way back to Dan's house. Bwahaha! All almost blind...

Of course, I really wanted to be in the rain. So of course, when we stopped and got out, the rain died down. It was still pretty heavy, though, so we got out and ran a lap around Dan's neighborhood in the rain. WOOO! FREEDOM!

All of us wet, we returned to our respective homes. Alyson and I got home around 10, and I ate some noodles my grandmother had cooked earlier. At around 11, Phil mentioned training on Maxx Unlimited or somesuch online, and I was like...MIDNIGHT DDR TRAINING?! So I loaded the metal pad up in my van and made it to Fill's house in around 8 minutes. First song we tried was So Deep, which we both PASSED! and then Tsugaru, and then my dad somehow got fill's cell phone number (grr, little sister! I'll write you a manual on keeping secrets!) and called me back home. Boy, was he pissed off.

Anyway, I came home. Then I snuck outside again and lay down in the rain, because it started pouring like mad. Turns out, that's a shitty idea because it's instantly cold, and your clothes are clingy and stuff...it would have been much better naked in the grass, methinks, but I haven't tried that yet.

Then I came back in and took a shower. And that was today.

Give or take a month.

(see xanga for missing info)


Crap...summer = busy

Current events listed include:
-Japanese Lessons (Mondays)
-Chinese Lessons (Thursdays)
-Freerunner Training (Tuesdays and Thursdays)
-Library Magaine Raids (Every 2nd Tuesday of the month)
-Writing Group (Every Wednesday)

I'll also be jogging every day in the morning, but it's easier to get together with people in your neighborhood to jog rather than drive somewhere, meet people, and then jog. It's up to you.

If you're interested in any of these, I can email you an invite to the calendar I'm using for it, no problemo. I wanted to throw in programming (C#, Python, HTML, CSS) and Biology (MCAT) study groups, but I didn't know who'd be up for that. Band practices and jam sessions still have to be hammered out, and I left Fridays open for social life's sake, as well as the weekends.

Thoughts? Comments? I'll be adding, changing, and removing events as necessary, depending on participation.


I guess...

I guess this is more of personal thing, so it doesn't get to go up on enkyoudai...actually, I don't know what it is.

"Remarkable lightness of being" indeed...I float where no one else is, surrounded by paintings and pictures and short-sleeved shirt tags. I'm alone in tag world. But I float above a sea of possibility.

I need a certain structure to this life, and this need is beginning to supplant school. I resent school's every intrusion into my new independence. I resent my parents' intrusions into my newfound sense of privacy. I resent not being gifted the time I require. I resent, I resent, I resent, and I will burn everything in my way.

Call it slave morality. I'll laugh. Try to chain me and I'll cut your throat.

There I was, standing on the edge...

And there I am. Owner of several businesses, a diverse portfolio of small enterprises. And there I am, director, actor, voice-over, stuntman. And there I am, webmaster. And there I am, veterinarian, doctor, woodland ranger. Researcher, teacher, writer, bandmember, poet, hole digger, staff member, last of the line, last in line, please wait, your future is on hold.

So many possibilities. Only one is less likely than the rest, and that one is all of them. Still, I have my dreams.

I need to love all of you enough to keep in touch with. I need to not lose what little we have. It could be so much more.

I need to get well.

My plans, frankly, are this:
-Start getting a lot more sleep
-Nutrition?! WTF? Okay, have to watch my intake + optimize...
-Exercise regularly
-Start learning CSS, relearn HTML
-Learn Python
-Learn C#
-Learn bio stuff and study for the MCAT
-Find an internship
-Start to jam with DK, GW
-See if either band can get some gigs
-Learn guitar, get a couple gigs at Potbelly's
-Make some sort of Trillian for blogs
-Set up the SFR Shop 2.0
-Film off! for the CLC film festival!
-Make at least one business: Lollicup franchise, tech help, sushi, or franchise setter-upper
-Start writing a book, or compilation of poetry
-Learn Chinese
-Learn Japanese
-Teach flips etc.
-Reading group. Fo' sho', because the magazines and books at the library are hella interesting.
-Writing group.
-Shit...I need to seriously arrange my calendar...



Stag [May. 8th, 2006|10:59 pm]
She leaned back against the brick wall, black eyeliner and coal black hair sticking up in loose spikes, giving her the impression of a melancholy clown. She smiled laughingly, wantonly, and tilted her head back against the dirty red bricks, exposing the white skin of her neck, and the curve of her small, round breasts. Leather and black and chains obscured the rest of her, sometimes a few holes torn in her jeans exposing a hint of white here, white there, mother of pearl. A deep rumble started at the base of her throat.

"Will someone fuck me already?" she laughed. The man behind me shifted on his feet, shocked. I shrugged mentally and moved up against her lithe body, stealing a forceful kiss from her tilted lips. The man behind me started.

"You'd go with him?" he asked, disgusted. Chains and spikes hung off of him - I had caught an image of him out of the corner of my eye. I bent to kiss her throat, slipping my arms around her, against the bricks.

The man behind me watched on, frustrated.

"Why not?" she responded, throaty chuckle running through her words. I slipped her coat off of her - all that was left was a small brown canvas camisole, barely covering her lightly bobbing breasts. I clamped my mouth to hers again clutching her oily, spiky hair in my hand and pressing her against the wall with my waist. Every inch of her was a smile.

I wanted it. I wanted that smile. I wanted those lips to part with desire and hot breaths.

We were so close. Her dusky laughter captivated me.

"I've never kissed a girl before, you know," I whispered, looking deep into her eyes.

We were so close it was a yell. I started to lick her throat, her collarbone, her shoulder. My hands explored a lean abdomen, alternately bracing her back and sliding under dirty canvas and cresting over twin mounds, pearl white. I marked her alabaster arms with my mouth, a lick here, a nibble there.

The wind came and she shivered as my spit cooled in the breeze. Still smiling and leaning back against the wall, she took off the camisole. I left her no space between our bodies as I rushed to take the place of her clothes. I felt the warmth of her body against mine.

I placed a hand on her belt buckle and kissed her smiling lips again as I undid us both. And again. And again. And again.

She was smiling, but her eyes were bored.
