

the Way I figure it
there's only one Way to go
when you're writing about
Ways in which
your words fail to fulfill
and that is to Sputter,
to Have a friend Show you what it looks like,
to Point out how the reader misunderstood,
to Refute her reading of it, and then
to Acquiesce and Acknowledge that
you've Failed to Convey the import of the sentiment
and left instead a weak impression
on a vulnerable readership

so, what do you do?
swear a lot, take a karmic hit, and keep going

because you don't get a second first impression

i.e. I can see that I'm an ass and how you can see it as insincere. I can also see that I'm not "getting out" of this by saying you misread it, no matter what I do - but the honest truth is that it was not this:

DK: Well, you didn't sound seriously sorry for her because you were going to the prom with someone else.
DK: Almost as if you joked about it with the "ninja skillz."

It's not even because I was going to prom with someone else...

..well, whatever, I'm an ass.


Blogger TheVerySexyAtom said...

Hehe. Leave it to DK to put things into perspective. ^_^

My advice? Perhaps you'll learn to tread more softly on matters of the heart such as these. I suppose it is arguable whether or not you really can be called "un lâche"... But anyway, if you're going to be "sincere", at least be honest. Seriously Brian, ninjas can dance too. Common knowledge, you see. *cough*

And well... it really doesn't matter if "a thousand wise and learned men" could scarcely find "the most minute of cracks in your perfection" if the one wise and learned man that does mean something doesn't give.

I don't mean to criticize. Your intentions were good, or so I assume... Hopefully, then, all ill feeling will soon subside.

4/25/2005 6:26 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

I'm sorry Brian, but that was really badly and tastelessly written. As long as you learn from your mistakes...

Don't let it get you down. It looks like everything is going to be all right.I mean, except for being insulted in French. I don't know how you're going to live that one down :P

4/25/2005 9:01 PM  
Blogger Sunwolf said...

...I really can't dance. Everyone tells me that's a lie. I hate it when people accuse me of lying.

I. Can't. Fucking. Dance.

I can hurt a lot of people very quickly in a small radius, but that doesn't count. That holds true for matters of the heart as well.


That, uh...wasn't quite an insult, c#iv. And if Yaz ducked for calling it arrogant, she overestimated my reaction. As for you...

...well, I knew I probably needed an editor.

4/25/2005 9:52 PM  
Blogger TheVerySexyAtom said...

Hah. Oh relax. I was kidding about the dancing thing.
Though... I am quite curious about dancing ninjas now... *fantasizes*

4/25/2005 10:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh dear...what a lot of havoc I seem to have created...let's just forget about it, huh? Except we'll let Yaz keep the dancing ninjas ;)

4/26/2005 6:22 PM  

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