
I'm tired

So today was a club meeting for FiSH (Film in Stevenson High) and we forgot our cell phones. So Alyson and I were stranded at school at about 4:15. I called home and no one picked up. I was really hungry, so I walked/ran home, planning to grab the car and pick Alyson up. That took me 45 minutes. That's just embarrassing. That's a thirty minute mile. And I was tired as hell when I got home. And hungry. Still hungry. Tired, hungry, and asthmatic.

I got home and my dad was in the house. I had forgotten that he now gets Mondays off. Turns out he'd been in the garage fixing the car's turn signal for most of the day, which is why he didn't pick up the phone.

Blargh. Went to Wendy's, ate a Spicy Chicken Sandwich and a Mandarin Chicken Salad, came back home and conked out.

I think I'm gonna do it again.

[edit] Oh God...I just snapped a rubberband around my neck...ow, ow, ow... [/edit]


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