
Internal Dialogue

-You're being retarded.
-Yeah, I know.
-That, I don't know.
-You're tired.
-The only thing you seem to be able to do consistently is become confused. And more tired.
-Astute observation, Sherlock.
-Hey, I'm pretty damned tired too.
-Well, duh.
-You know what I miss? I miss not caring about all this crap. It was so much easier in Freshman year...
-...and 8th grade, and sixth grade...
-...but not Fourth.
-Naw, that was hell.
-Agreed. Anyway, what I'm getting at is that you really need to look at what you hold close to yourself. The things you carry that weigh you down, and you need to let go.
-Isn't that what I'm supposed to be getting at?
-Like there's a difference.
-What if what weighs me down is my friends? As great as they are, they worry me sometimes.
-And why is that?
-I worry about what they think.
-Of yourself?
-Somewhat. But more about when they start to carry things.
-Like you.
-I don't know what to say. You could try to take these burdens on, but it might not help them at all. A burden shared is not necessarily lighter.
-I could try to make them put them down, but it would be controlling and manipulative. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
-Well...maybe you could do neither.
-Just...be there?
-Just be there. Exist.
-Listen to the birds flap their wings in the trees...
-...and smile.
-Smile for all of them. I don't do it enough, I know...
-...and neither do I.


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