
On language

Idea for my free essay that's been percolating in my head for a while. Bullet points because I'm not sure about all of my thoughts' connectivity yet.

-Language is, essentially, the confinement of pure, unadulterated (thought/creativity/self/personality?) into communicable forms.

-The (universality/communicability) in language is like dance - you are limited to the stage that others can see (as opposed to the insane or withheld) but the movements within that space...(unfinished thought)

-The confinement of such essential being is unfortunate, but essential in order to be talked about. It's like infinity or God - no one's seen it. It's because those who can talk about it can't see it. Or vice versa.

-The beauty in language is how much of that "essential self" the author is able to bring back to the reader with his/her words.

-The nature of the essential self...intuition...(?) (unfinished thought) (see philosophy on "intuition")

-Further analysis of works of language are useless unless effectively designed to bring more of the original intuition back to the readers of the analysis.

-Analyses, however, like parasites, will always pale in comparison to original works. Much like why fanfics suck ass.

-This is going to degenerate into name-calling and cussing at the English system soon.


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