
Me after Halloween in Chicago w/my cousins. I didn't know I'd be going there, so I didn't bring my costume, but luckily they had some face paint and...a Christmas stocking, which I used in lieu of a pumpkin. I was torn between shouting "Happy Halloween!" and "Merry Christmas!" I settled for saying, "Trick or treat, Happy Halloween, and Merry Christmas in advance!"

One last look...

Mr Stacy and Mr Stacy, folks!

It's Phil...Weijia...Phil...Weijia...Phweijia!

...and Dale is the winnah!

Calvin dressed up as a pair of hands holding an apple, and Craig as a cowboy. Actually, he really is a cowboy, he's just in costume the rest of the year.

A...uh...dude. Monk. Headband-robe-belt person.

Let's face it, Max, your costume could be anything.

This was by far the creepiest of all things on Friday. Two Dimas. Two hats. Two sweatshirts. Two Mountain Dews.

Two pairs of blinks. At the same time.

A fairy! With glitter and wings and everything!


Dan, Sir, Alyson, Fran, in that order left to right. Must I think up a witty caption?

I have a low opinion of any food served within the confines of school. Yao does not.

...if only the theme this year was China.

The WHOLE GANG (sans Preeti, Jeff, Austin, Weijia, Kathy, and Marcinkowski and...er...probably more.) Man, do we look snappy!

The (Thompson's Home)coming Queens of '04

The two with the white sword dealies are my sisters. I'm in the tree. I highly doubt you can see me.

Amp-guard! ...is stupid and has a lot of rules. But it's fun.

And what did we find? A beach for one...

Night, then day, drove...

So I drove to Iowa...


write my fate

Did I
give you permission to
change my mind

Did I
give you the keys to
unlock my secrets

Did I
give you the pen to
write my fate

And how Did You
infiltrate my heart
And how Did You
become so great
And how Did You
convince me to
believe you?

where I


this is an audio post - click to play


Oops, this happened after the futbol game. Anyway, we ended up at Toni's house, where people played Sorry and we stole Kathy's car. I got out at a stop sign and walked back because I felt bad. Unfortunately, Weijia and Dan got back before I did. How embarassing.

Phil, AKA filln, AKA Philn, AKA fillin, AKA... (I could go on...but I won't.)

Dan, AKA Poptart. His abs are in high demand! Get a piece of them before he starts charging for the privilege!

Jeff and Kathy, not to mention Phil's Sexy Shin

Austin, AKA Oh-Stin. Well known for his "kick kick," which helped our team not score a single point against the German team.

Aftermath. Note the hungry look Toni's throwing at Phil.

This is an action shot of Phil desperately trying to claw his way out of the cage.

That just looks wrong...except Toni doesn't have the "equipment" for that...I think...

Phil screamed a lot. It was kind of annoying. Then again, he was getting raped, so...

Definitely R rated


The rape was so gruesome Thompson had to, at some small intervals, look away every once in a while. It was horrible. I know personally, I held the gate closed so Phil couldn't get out.

*Correction* We look like f***ucking speed demons

The dashing gent, Thompson

The lovely lady Kathy

Woot! Latin Club Futbol!


Tough times...