
Things to Consider when Sleeping Over

1) Do not agree to sleep over at someone's house if you know they have an addictive game you will play, e.g. Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles. Gathering all of just under 100 artifacts may seem like a small task, but in reality, it'll take you quite some time...
(ex. I played FF:CC from 10:30PM to 1:00AM and 4:00AM to 7:00 AM. I hope to someday be able to imagine what I would have been doing if I had a life...)

2) Do not agree to sleep over at someone's house if they have DDR. This machine of evil is designed to keep people from sleeping either through music, pounding, or dancing.
(ex. I played DDR from 1:00AM to 4:00AM...that was (not) rewarding!)

3) At a sleep over, try not to continuously kick the host's precious valuables, such as Magic cards, even if it is an accident.
(ex. I kicked my friend's Magic card decks and now he has to reorganize them alphabetically. And then I did it again. Incidentally, this has everything to do with me not being invited to his birthday party.)

4) At a sleep over, make sure there is an ample supply of food for everyone, even if you're not the host. This way, everyone gets food without resorting to cannibalism and primitive wilderness scrounging.
(ex. Phil killed and consumed my good friend Dan. Perry scavenged the remains. I brought food...but only for myself.)

5) When sleeping over, make sure to allot some time to sleeping. While it may seem radical, this ensures that you are not completely dead to the world the next day. And when you do try to sleep, make sure nobody suggests not sleeping. Make absolutely sure.
(ex. After we finished with DDR and everybody got into their sleeping positions, I suggested that we didn't need to sleep. They should have killed me in some horrible fashion. Instead, they agreed. Now I can barely see the keyboard because my eyes are closing by themselves.)

6) Above all else, when sleeping over, have fun!*
(ex. I had a lot of fun f***ing up my biological clock playing FF:CC and DDR for nine hours straight! Now I'm going to rehabilitate my system by sleeping for about two years. Wake me up when you've graduated!)

*"fun" may entail the following: Cracking jokes, laughing, making fun of your friends, being made fun of, discussing completely random topics, playing DDR, playing FF:CC, kicking Magic cards and valuables, competing for food, not sleeping, and trying to get a karaoke machine with only Vietnamese songs to work. Although I never got to it, trying to sing in Vietnamese would have been pretty funny.

The term "fun" may or may not include activities of a wider range than is presented here, but activities not listed here are not guaranteed to be fun.


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