
10 signs you've been in China too long

10. You can breathe second-hand smoke casually after being in Beijing's pollution
9. You look at an advertisement and wonder why the models are all white
8. You start to bike everywhere
7. You start to bike within inches of oncoming traffic
6. You start to walk within inches of oncoming traffic
5. You start to drive within inches of oncoming traffic
4. You try to haggle with the cashier at Target
3. You laugh at Rolexes, but give serious thought to the cheap plastic digital watches
2. You stare at asians who can speak english, even if you're asian and english is your only language
1. You look in the mirror and YOU'RE FREAKING CHINESE


Blogger Sunwolf said...

I forgot:

You come back to America and immediately break 5 traffic laws just backing out of your driveway

You come back to America and hoard all the toilet paper around you

You divide prices by eight to find the "real" price

Waiters start giving you weird looks because you're thanking them in chinese

You start bowing to people without even noticing it

You've developed hydrophobia because China's water is full of foreign bacteria

You think everything should be cheaper than $0.50

8/18/2005 5:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kung, I don't think your breaking 5 traffic laws in 3 seconds has anything to do with China...

8/20/2005 10:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You divide prices by eight to find the "real" price

You think everything should be cheaper than $0.50

.... wahahaha

1/03/2006 7:38 PM  

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