
If baby names were picked by AMD...

Here's an amusing quote I found. AMD recently released a budget computer processor. The nomenclature is...questionable.

"So AMD decided it was time to resurrect a distinct value product line, and the AMD Sempron was born.

Yep, that's the name: Sempron. AMD has elected to stick with its "fake subatomic particle" naming scheme rather than veer into Intel's "fake member of the periodic table of elements" naming scheme. Sempron is largely a branding exercise, so the name is important. The Sempron name is intended to evoke phrases like "semper fidelis" and other such tokens of solidity and steadfastness. Roughly translated from a mix of Latin and leet-speak, though, Sempron means "always pornographic," and I fear the little CPU will never fully escape that connotation of its recently fabricated moniker."


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