
Today's Audioupdate!

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Blogger Sunwolf said...

Hey! This is me updating my blog *with a phone*! But since you've already heard me talk, I'll just cut to the chase:

Seattle and the North west odyssey was real fun, first a plane then mountains, rivers, lakes, waterfalls, more mountains, snow, glaciers, cousins, markets, forests, rainforests, Seattle Chinatown, Bellevue Chinatown, Vancouver Chinatown, Victoria Island Chinatown, rivers, lakes forests, oh yeah Canada Day, etc etc etc...and another plane.

I missed out on a fourth of July and a mall outing because I'm lazy and wanted someone to extend me an invitation via phone, which no one did because I never told anyone I was interested, even though Thompson's xanga quite clearly stated, "LET EITHER DELUXE OR I KNOW" which was kind of odd because Deluxe is Thompson. Regardless, I heard it was fun.

My schedule is uncertain for when I can get an outing to Mitsuwa organized and I don't know exactly how to do this. Anyone with ideas please contact me.

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for...

Random ad!

Are you sick and tired of that same old chocolate milk day after day after day? Do you get depressed looking into its brown depths? Or are you like me, and just wonder what the hell kind of strange hormones and chemicals the cows digested to get their milk to come out like *that*? Well despair no more!

Coming to town next month is the advent of a new age in chocolate milk, something just plain better...

White chocolate milk.

It's like comparing darkness to sunlight, lead to gold, black people to...

Man, who wrote this script? I'll just skip that part...

It's like if you took Michael Jordan and gave him white skin...What?! I'll skip this too...like a wigger...like Tiger Woods...no, that's no good either...

Ah! Here's a line I can use!

It's just efficient!

Disclaimer: The statements made do not represent the opinions of White Chocolate Milk and Co. even though they put this ad up and paid a lot of money. In actual fact, black people are really *better* than white people...

oh-god-please-don't-due-us pleeeeaaase PLEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAASE I HAVE CHILDREN AND A WIFE TO FEED...AND A DOG, WE HAVE TO FEED THAT TOO...even though I really don't want to. I'd rather feed my family with the dog rather than feed it. In fact, I think I'll do that. I hear they do that in China.

Maybe that was just because they were starving.

What would you call dog meat in a french restaurant anyway?

And that's all for today's audioupdate! Join us again later for an in-depth discussion of man's best friend and its many, many uses...

7/11/2004 11:15 PM  

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