
About Me
- Name: Sunwolf
- Location: Illinois, United States
About me? *sigh* Let's go with bulletpoints, shall we? -Writes some -Reads some -Enjoys good food -Enjoys no particular style of music -Prefers Asian flicks -Runs out of self-description very quickly.
Previous Posts
- Here's another one that looks kind of like an anim...
- This is a cap-the-flag fortification which I did n...
- During my travels, I found some dog tracks. The d...
- Welcome...to a mystical land...and a mysticaller a...
- Great Wolf Lodge...a strange discovery
- Then I messed with my computer, dislodging ages wo...
- ...Super dead tired! Like, a lot tired with blue ...
- Dead like roadkill
- Afterwards, I was dead tired
- What the fow?
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