
About Me
- Name: Sunwolf
- Location: Illinois, United States
About me? *sigh* Let's go with bulletpoints, shall we? -Writes some -Reads some -Enjoys good food -Enjoys no particular style of music -Prefers Asian flicks -Runs out of self-description very quickly.
Previous Posts
- Miracle cross!
- Family photo. Amusing because I was made to showe...
- At least I got it back...
- Mmm, mmm, Fire!
- Whoosh!
- ATV daredevil
- Warning labels amuse me.
- The same one with a bow!
- Youngest cousin
- Oldest cousin
lunar phases |
Eh? Is that a cross? Interesting message there... the cross that shines in the darkness...
Er... or something like that ^_^;;... withdrawal symptoms, you see...
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