
Here I am looking unhappy. And yes, I did edit out the background of my house because I don't trust any of you. The reason why I'm so unhappy is a long story...the day began in the beginning of spring, when we were too lazy to cut the grass. Well, grass being how it is, it grew. And grew. And pretty soon, we had the deer admiring it from afar...and some very close. After startling and following a deer fawn around for a while and getting filthy, I went inside and took a shower. Something stuck itself in my big toe on my adventure too, and I'm not sure if it's parasitic or what. Anyhow, being more inclined to go outside, once I was dry, I went out into the thunderstorm (which was great) and got soaked. When I went back in, I wrung out my shirt and hung it up to dry. In the meantime, I put on this fleece jacket. I forgot to put a shirt on and went to sleep.

This is where the bad day truly begins...I woke up at 3:50AM. Figuring this was overkill for doing my homework, I went back to sleep and woke up at 7:10...missing my bus by 25 minutes. I pack lunch with some funky smelling meat and then get driven by my mom, getting to school just minutes before the bell rang and I felt extremely rushed, and realized that I was missing a shirt on the inside of the fleece jacket. I just stood around until I was required at my first class, where I was reminded of several assignments I hadn't turned in. The room got warmer and warmer, and if I took off my jacket, I would be in violation of the dress code. Suck. Then on to Chem, where I flunked the easiest test of the semester because I was an idiot. Suck. I get warmer. Suck. Go to study hall, where I spend all of half an hour doing one problem wrong, then halfheartedly correcting it wrong. Caught between worry over it and absolute lack of interest. Suck. Temperature rises. Also suck. The problem isn't worth any points. Suck/Yay. Health teacher isn't there to accept a possible extra credit article I printed out. Suck. Watched another "Lifecycles" movie, (i.e. "Teenagers, sex is bad! Have sex when you're older!") about the fifth one we've seen. It is extremely difficult to talk to a girl in this class...also suck. Temperature rises. Go to lunch, open sandwich and eat it...meat tastes/smells funny. Still. I was kind of hoping that would go away. I eat it anyway, and waste a dollar on "clam chowder," AKA "salty water with potatoes and unidentifiable meaty things." Eat it anyway. Felt vaguely sick to the stomach for a while. My big toe starts to puff up from unidentifiable thing that was stuck in it yesterday. Suck. Go to Art Form, fiddle with plaster and mess up some features, then forget to take it home. On the way to the bus, I follow Jeff to complain, and then when I'm the building farthest from where my bus is, I realize that the alternate entrance is closed. I have to walk all the way back.

The only definitively good thing about today is that I now have something to whine about and the fawn came back to its original spot, where its mother can find it again. Or where it will die because the mother has been hit by a car. I hate pessimism.


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